Monday, May 11, 2020

How Coronavirus Kills

The virus is introduced via respiratory droplets and potentially fecal-orally

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the following, I do not want you to forget the above factual quote in Coronavirus is spread through mucous and feces, or snot and shit. This is how the worst strains are infecting people, it is human shit which is infecting others, because they do not wash their hands, in going to the toilet or itching themselves. Shit is a perfect host, as it easily sticks to things, it stays wet for hours, and it hosts incredible amounts of virus in minute amounts.

With that fact stated, this is what is behind the finding that people under lock down, were catching Coronavirus in shopping and visiting nursing homes. This does not prove that lockdowns do not work as the Coronacaust Deniers are propagandizing now, but it proves that the lock down is effective in fewer cases, but that people who are not clean to begin with are not staying home as they are Darwin refuse who do not care for others, anymore than themselves.
This Lame Cherry has warned you that this is a shit spread virus, and now it has been confirmed exactly as this blog warned.

Wear gloves, do not touch things like your vehicle, your clothes or body, until after you take off your gloves. Keep the gloves in a LARGE plastic bag that you slide them into, in the car or your garage, and you will defeat a great deal of this virus.

I strongly suggest WASHING ALL FOOD CONTAINERS AND FOOD such as fruit, as those Mexicans are processing food with their shit hands, and that is who these people are rounding this out in catching this virus.
I use dish soap and water on apples. For containers, a spray bottle with diluted bleach carefully sprayed works, or a bleach cloth wipe down with gloves on.

REVEALED: 66% of New York state coronavirus hospitalizations are people staying at HOME and NOT essential workers - which begs question: Does lockdown even work?

  • A study of hospitals last week found that of 1,000 patients, 66 percent were people staying at home
  • 73% of the new hospitalizations were people aged 51 and over and 96% had underlying health conditions
  • Most were in Manhattan - 21% - but 18% of the new hospitalizations were in Long Island
  • In New York City, 90% of those who answered said they had not been taking public transport 
  • Cuomo said it showed that the new infections were down to 'personal behavior' like not wearing masks or not hand washing enough

The real part of this article is in the work of the Doctors Maenashe, as they produced a wonderful explanation on the inner workings in your body of Coronavirus. I will apologize for their quotes as they are beyond most of your minds in understanding, and I will attempt to explain these quotes in layman's terms, but for your mind to seize on, think of Coronavirus killing you is from RUSTY BLOOD.

You are an electrochemical creation. What this means is, in order to produce electricity which makes your nerves move muscles like your beating heart, a chemical reaction takes place, like a spark igniting gas in your car.

You eat food which is sugars and proteins. By acids, these are broken down into amino acids. Included with what you eat are minerals like potassium, sodium and iron. They all have functions and in this case iron, is what is in your blood cells. It makes them red, and in sparking you to life, iron releases an electron to the cell, and with oxygen and amino acids, you have energy.
That is why people who have iron poor blood feel tired. Iron is like the additive in fuel which makes your gas high octane, so the engine does not knock.

There is something though in Coronavirus, which inhibits iron from doing what it should in the cell. The iron oxidizes to FE2, FE being the symbol for iron. If you look at the list of symptoms of the sick with Coronavirus, especially the children who have had cases, things like heart failure, organ damage and diarrhea are part of having iron poisoning.
Iron poisoning, even produces blood pressure problems due to dilated blood vessels. This is one of the most puzzling symptoms in Coronavirus, as people have low blood pressure, and are not aware and the die in a moment.

Dr. Eyal Menashe and Dr. Yehezkel Menashe.

The first indication of iron poisoning by ingestion is stomach pain, as iron is corrosive to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach. Nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms and bloody vomiting may occur. The pain then abates for 24 hours as the iron passes deeper into the body, resulting in metabolic acidosis, which in turn damages internal organs, particularly the brain and the liver. Iron poisoning can cause hypovolemic shock due to iron's potent ability to dilate the blood vessels

Organs most commonly affected by haemochromatosis are the liver, heart, and endocrine glands.
Haemochromatosis may present with the following clinical syndromes:

The Jewish doctors produced a perfect progression of Coronavirus as we know it, as it operates in 3 stages, in the first is often the visible symptoms or symptoms so not noticeable that people do not think they are sick.
This virus produces a wide array of symptoms, and I do believe it is due to it's ability of giving life to viruses which are in your body and have been vaccinated for. The iron poisoning though is spiking what is taking place in the bodies of thee infected, and this is what is causing organ damage and killing thousands, more than the flu ever would.

Think of Coronavirus as a platform, like a military invasion. The first wave shells the beaches, and makes you think you are going to die, but then you get better, but in that lull is the reinforcing stage.

Infective at first, inflammatory stage follows The first stage of the disease begins like any viral infection, and can clinically present in almost any organ system: fevers, myalgia, fatigue, cough, gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), anosmia, dysgeusia, upper respiratory infection symptoms and confusion, among others. The virus is introduced via respiratory droplets and potentially fecal-orally

The reinforcing stage is the HIV which was spliced into this biological weapon, as after the initial infection the HIV splice, creates a massive surge or inflammation in the immune system or the white blood cells. The beach invasion at this point has gone off the beach, and the invaders are laying mine fields to protect their next operations, which are the heavy artillery filled with chemical weapons.

  • The second stage of the disease is the autoinflammatory response. This is the stage that causes the high mortality rate that has been associated with COVID-19. This part of the disease is not necessarily caused by the infection, but rather by the body’s own reaction to this foreign virus. The body responds by creating a massive inflammatory surge, known as the cytokine storm. An elevation is seen in acute phase reactants (ferritin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)) on laboratory findings. This is the critical part of the whole disease, when patients have rapid respiratory decompensation requiring more and more oxygen, and can go from nasal cannula to intubation within hours, if not less. Imaging classically shows bilateral ground glass opacities, which eventually progresses to involve most, if not all lobes of the lungs. Patients can have significant oxygen desaturation with even small movements. The poor oxygenation can eventually lead to end-organ damage, and can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

Once the body is inflamed, I would project that this is what is causing the blood clots, as inflamed is expanded, or bruised. The red blood cells then begin trying to fix the broken tissues a blood clots, plugging the holes. It is why the lungs are going septic, and it is at this point that the white blood cells start attacking the damaged lung tissue, as the cells do not recognize them as part of the body anymore.

This compounds to the whole point of Coronavirus Wuhan, as without oxygen, the energy functions in the body can not be energized, and a quick progression in lung deterioration progresses, from a nasal tube to ventilator.
Oxygen though is for Coronavirus a poison. It kills the spirocheates or corkscrew bacteria spliced into the HIV. That is why people improve with pure oxygen in their lungs.

The Jewish doctors continue on that it is not lung distress alone, but Coronavirus or the disease COVID 19, causes all the blood cells in the body to not be capable of transporting oxygen. This is where the iron as FE2 comes in, as it has been oxidized, and I would project that by being "rusty" it sends a signal in the cells that they already have oxygen, so they shut down. There is so much toxic iron particles, causing this poisoning in the body at this time, that the lungs cease to function, as a layman's way of saying, "The rust cloud is so dense that people can not breathe".

Oxidative/Alveolar damage There have been many interesting pieces which has discussed this concept. There is mention that the chest X-ray findings that we originally thought to be acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or pneumonia is not necessarily the case. Instead, COVID-19 causes cellular hypoxemia by binding to the hemoglobin of red blood cells and converts our iron to the oxidized form of iron, Fe2+. Eventually, a vast majority of the patient’s hemoglobin is affected, which leads to cellular hypoxemia and decreased cellular respiration as well. Additionally, the imaging that we see of this ARDS pattern in the lungs, may not actually be the classic ARDS that we know. Rather, this is oxidative damage caused by the oxidized form of iron released by the heme particles [2, 3]. Our natural defense mechanisms, such as our alveolar linings and macrophages are unable to maintain oxidative homeostasis due to the amount of toxic iron particles. Eventually, we see pulmonary oxidative stress and inflammation and the classic bilateral infiltrates. This inflammation also leads to the hypoxemia we see due to inadequate gas exchange across the alveolar membranes secondary to their damage.

This was an amazing sharing of data from these doctors. It is absolutely correct in the debilitating functioning of Coronavirus in the body and for the first time keys in on the iron oxidization as being a deadly problem.

It should be noted that Chloroquine and Zinc, along with Ivomec, all share as the tuberculosis vaccine, key parts in disrupting Coronavirus. Chloroquine actually affects vessel dilatation, along with it's other functions of changing PH so the virus dies, allowing Zinc into the cell so the virus dies and interrupting the sugar feeding of the virus. Ivomec is more basic in it interrupts the protein structure which this virus requires. As you can see by the above, this virus is the Rolls Royce of viruses in being very complicated, but put some water in the fuel tank and Coronavirus becomes just an expensive piece of junk.

This part of the explanation does not include Dr. Julia Mikovits explanations of Coronavirus activating other vaccines meant to help the body, nor how the virus is activating viruses to life. This is like the bombing run of the virus, not explaining the radar jamming and the cruise missiles.

To counter the horrid Ann Coulter propaganda in stabbing Americans in the back, this virus is too complicated to have come out of her reptile's fangs or out of a bat's ass. There is not a virus ever that caused Iron Poisoning, and in that Ann Coulter and these false narratives have outed her as one of Trump's Dirty Cops.

As bad as this virus is, people do recover from it. It goes back though to you have to stop eating other people's shit. I have no idea how long this is going to take to clean up this world of the toxic shit all over everything in hot zones, nor how many weeks Coronavirus is in the intestines or tears of the carriers. People with shitty hands are in a symbiotic relationship with Coronavirus like earthworms are with anthrax.

Coronavirus - There Has Never Been A Disease In The History
Of Mankind That Manifests In So Many Different Ways - Watch

Natural viruses do not move to kill the host, as killing the population ends the virus. It is why you never get a lung flu with an intestinal flu. Coronavirus gives the infected both and produces a myriad of other symptoms, which make it a biological weapon, and more to the point, indicate Dr. Mikovits point is correct in it is activating other viruses, apparently this is more the side effect of the inoculate strain, which is not the lethal strain spread by eating shit, as rusty blood does not require activating a vaccination to finish off people.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
