Monday, May 11, 2020

Lisa Page's Judgment Day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No satire here, but if Lisa Page will behave herself, the Lame Cherry will assist her. I wore Cyrano Satire with some good advice for her on May 5th, 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, but as I was Inspired in bed by the Holy Ghost, I began examining what Lisa Page said in her tweets, and in that it appears in forensic psychology, that the Coronavirus lock down has produced two psychosis in this woman, in the Martyr Complex and Stockholm Syndrome.

I am not saying this woman should be in a rubber room, but she is a human who is experiencing psychological issues. She does not need a psychiatrist, she does need though to be accepted for who she is, expected to behave herself, and to be held accountable, so she will respect those she has never respected, in the Christian Right.

I will state this first for Lisa Page. No matter what kind of seduced woman you were in losing your head to Peter Strzok, because being a mother was not gaining you the validation from your husband you needed. that President Donald Trump may rightly impress upon you the Scarlet Letter, but if you make amends with this man, he is not ever going to let you or anyone else rot.
He is a German Scot. He will rough anyone up to see if they can take it, but he will never abandon or abuse people who show the least bit remorse and regret.

This is important to remember Lisa Page, because your future is not in the group who betrayed you. Your salvation like Rod Blagojevich is from the man in power, and if you show gratitude, that group will not just accept you, but champion you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We Love You Lisa Page!!!

“I’ve lived a thousand lives and yet, everything is immovable the same.”

Except that now I speak out. No doubt my haters wish it wasn’t so, but I do and I will and I am not going to stop. And yes, I know: insurance policy treason deep state traitorous slut coup plotter. I know. It’s okay. I know.
— Lisa Page (@NatSecLisa) May 5, 2020

I have included the tweets by Lisa Page to explain the forensic psychology this woman is dealing with at this time. People have left her alone, after the disaster of her trolling in the press or being whored in the press, thinking being a bitch in print was a fight she could win. The fact is her liberals want nothing to do with her and she has accepted that the people on the Right are her judges.

Her first statement of 'living a thousand lives", is prose, it is heroine, it is Helen of Troy, it is also resigned that fate is bigger than she is. That is Martyr Complex and she can not be left to degrading to suicide. I state this as the Lame Cherry is not the only one listening to what Lisa Page said. The people who perform Presidential Coups, who drown CIA directors in the water, monitor the same things, and they have in print confirmation that they have a woman in psychological trouble.

The second part is the Stockholm Syndrome of Lisa Page in she thinks people hate her. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Women get slapped around. I get slapped around and you just slap back hard and then the trolls leave you in peace like all bullies do. Page speaking out, is her hope she can have their attention, not that the people on the Right do not want her to speak out. That is the Stockholm Syndrome in she is captive of the Right, and she desires to be symbiotic with them.

Lisa Page is challenging, hoping she will get another savaging, because she wants to be punished for fucking up her life, which is what she literally did. Before I get to the point in this, the Lame Cherry explains a foundation which is necessary in this.

Lisa Page, like James Comey, likes to wax poetic. Page though actually has a poetic soul, while Comey is a Cornfield Comrade. After Page began with the martyr's song, read what she followed with in her challenge to the Right.

I know: insurance policy treason deep state traitorous slut coup plotter. I know. It’s okay. I know.

Let me explain the above, by your reading something below in quote:

I understand: an insurance policy, treasonous, deep state traitorous, adulterous, coup conspirator. I believe.  I understand.

This blog has explained English before, but will refresh your education, in English is two languages. It is Anglo Saxon and it is Norman French. Anglo are the words KNOW, SLUT, PLOT, OKAY.
When people are broken down, even when educated as Lisa Page is as an accomplished attorney, they revert to their base language identity. It is their childhood voice in simple words they learn.

When a person is speaking securely, then the French Norman complexities come out in UNDERSTAND, ADULTEROUS, CONSPIRATOR, BELIEVE.

Lisa Page began in French, and when she wanted  to pick a fight to be punished for her sins, she reverted by instinct to the Anglo Saxon, as she has broken down mentally. That is Stockholm Syndrome. She has performed her swan song, walked out into the field and is asking for the mob to come attack her.
Lisa Page is an intelligent woman, but she did not ever intend any of this to be known or she would not have stated her emotions in the way she did.

Whether Lisa Page is ready for this message or not, I would ask her to come home. Home is the place she rejected and mocked. It is the place she has no respect for, but has constructed her entire life on the deception of satan that her liberalism brings happiness and fulfillment. If she examined her life, she could conclude what is obvious, in her life is a shambles and she is not psychologically sound in trying to pick fights in Stockholm Syndrome.
That is why I would advocate she comes home to Christian America as like Jesus, that is the only group who will have anything to do with her.

It is a simple thing to become a member in all you have to do is say you are sorry in things got out of hand. Treat the people on the right with respect and they will shelter you.

Lisa Page has more problems than sin though. She has legal problems and that is where she is going to have to fish or cut bait. If she gets indicted or others get indicted, she is going to be spending the next years in court in her trial or other people's trials like Peter Strzok. That is not the right doing that. That is her, and her choices to be around men and women who misused her in her trust.

As she is an attorney, she should have some insights as to what is legal and not legal, but she probably should get some outside legal advice, on what I suggest as her solution, and that is she contact Franklin Graham. I thought about that bimbo that the President has as his religious advisor or Jerry Falwell jr. but two bims on stage are two bims on stage, Falwell is too high octane, so that leaves Franklin Graham, and Lisa Page's big debut is on Homo Hannity.
I thought about Ingraham, thought about Tucker, but Lisa Page needs the type of platform which Hannity would provide in he is fair, goes after the facts, and once she admits she was wrong and should not have done things or trusted people, Hannity will back off, and then comes the necessity where Lisa Page fishes or cuts bait, as once she takes that step in stating others abused power, those ties to the left are over in the operatives.
She will then discover what real hate is, and have to discuss this with her husband, if he can deal with the wrath. It is the point though that Lisa Page is in a legal situation which she can not avoid, as she was a principle in this and will be in court. In that, I would be on the phone with John Durham with my attorney, working a deal for immunity or probation, to keep my legal license and what I would hope is the most important thing, to be at home to be a mum to her children. That should be the focus of support of the husband and the reason for taking the step in the Trump direction, as that is where her salvation is.

Here am I though, not talking about Lisa Page being the one nighter for Homo Hannity. She has to work out interviews with the willing, so this keeps her narrative going, which is being sorry, supporting the President and if asked about voting, state bluntly, "I have had enough of politics, but this is about right and wrong, and I was wrong and the President was right, and what was done should not have happened."
Sean Homo Hannity whispering to Donald Trump about pardons if necessary, is why Sean Hannity is the platform. Lisa Page needs to stop making enemies of the Christian Right, because they will be the barrier to the Conservative Right, if she does not betray them.

Lastly, Lisa Page should contact Linda, who is Hannity's motherly brains. She is Irish New York no nonsense tough. Listen to her advice as she is the keystone to the way out of this after John Durham is dealt with.

Lisa Page has the choice of being a Donna Rice in building past this or a Monica Lewinski still stuck with Bill Clinton's cigar between her lips. Rice proved by doing while Lewinski is still fighting the slut battle all want to forget.

Lisa Page has to understand that she is going to have to be forgiven by Americans. She can't straddle the fence, as liberals will always act like they support her and Tom Daschle her, while Conservatives won't trust her. That does not make for much of a career, especially when those on the left have already worked out how to remove all traces of her if she becomes a dead weight.

That is what Lisa Page is in decision time, as a decision will be made for her by others, if she does not decide. She is going to have to decide if she wants to stay with image Obama, Biden and Clinton who do not want her around, as her comrades are indicted and she is dragged guilty by association............not overlooking that Brennan, Comey, McCabe and Strzok, will gladly be working a deal to save themselves by saying that crazy bitch was doing this all on her own.
Or Lisa Page can find a savior in Donald Trump and shelter in the Christian Right, who have reason at this time to accept Lisa Page's support of the President, and zero agenda as Christians in seeing a mother of two in prison. Christians like having repentant stories to embrace.

It is a tough place you are in Lisa Page, but this Christian Conservative is offering you thee only way out. It will all be unpleasant, but where I counsel you to go, is the place you will have peace after this moves over you, as the alternative is to be swept away by the political and legal storm.

Do you really want to be Evelyn Farkas thrown political bones in the Corona coofer wilderness of New York?

I know who you are Lisa Page. I know what you are. The Lame Cherry is not looking to use you, stone you, lynch you or judge you. The Lame Cherry is looking for a logical way to solve your problem to keep you a mother to those children and your marriage together.

Nuff Said
