Saturday, May 9, 2020

Oh so this is the OTHER Coronavirus Stat

Yes Miramani, it is a world where German girls playing Indians and Jew boys
playing Americans can finally be together.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You know this had crossed my mind in Obama Rainbow Minnesota, and you might recall this blog referred to Corona as the Rainbow, as it hinted a suspicion that these queers, who are the worst in hygiene, as you remember Donald Trump called Rosie O'Donnell disgusting, that maybe the queers were taking it in the shorts, in more ways than one.

Look Obama fags think they are special and do not have to obey the rules. They are involved in orgies. are always hanging on each other, and are phobic of being alone.
You heard in that Supreme Court case, the toilet flushed.......well hell it was probably Sotomeyor or Kagan with the Corona shits as they are both dykes. Just saying in this, it is pretty hard not to catch a pandemic being a faggot, when HIV proved you are a group with hepatitis that diseases of all forms like to glom onto, from genital warts, plugged dicks with shit in them, gerbils up the bum, and they are always saucing each other with spit, sperm, vaginal discharges, beating each other breaking skin......they are like walking plague dishes.

LGBTQ Americans are getting coronavirus, losing jobs. Anti-gay bias is making it worse for them.
The coronavirus outbreak is pummeling LGBTQ Americans, leaving a population already vulnerable to health care and employment discrimination suffering.

Read in USA TODAY:

See what I mean in Minnesota.......

It has puzzled me how no one knew what the hell race they were, and yet Minnesota keeps listing these unknown races and ethics. I bet these are all sodomites and got their own multi cultural race. The hint in this was that Minnesota and other states were listing OTHER instead of male and female. OTHER was catching this plague too, and as there are not that many of them, their few percent points means they are coofers of the worst kind.

Race Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
White 34% 65%
Black 17% 6%
Asian 4% 1%
American Indian/ Alaska Native 1% 1%
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander <1 td=""> 0%
Multiple races 1% 1%
Other 10% <1 td="">
Unknown/missing 33% 25%
Ethnicity Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
Hispanic 14% 2%
Non-Hispanic 48% 68%
Unknown/missing 38% 30%

Now of course, after thumbing their nose at God and nature, Obama making them legal, God and nature has unleashed the Coronavirus to plague them like the Egyptians. They got what they auditioned for and Praise God for that.


  • 49% female, 49% male, <1% other, 2% unknown/missing

Hey queers are rich, everyone knows that. They die and their family members will get a big ass inheritance and that will help boost the economy out of depression. Nothing could be better for the US economy than for the queer coofer to reach their final solution with gusto, and let the virus take it's course.
Hell they are all miserable, depressed and just over acting. They tried to get HIV to die, well Corona is just the welcome wagon for their exit as they are too pussy to suicide their way out.

So as you fags are going to die anyway, how about making the big donation here, or you family members with faggots, when the Corona check out, remember the poor orphan girl here, and donate a wad of cash, as even I will be in a giving mood in spending all this faggot cash.

Yes I can see this is moving back to a Father Knows Best kind of world. The Mexicans, Blacks, Chinese and Faggots will all be dead from Corona. I feel bad about the Indians coofing out, as I liked them in movies like Jay Tarheels with the Lone Ranger, but most Indians were portrayed by Whites who could act, so like Dawn Wells, I would rather watch her anyway, so it is no loss.......oh Sabrina Scharf, that German hottie from Star Trek was the Indian talk about good race relations as Shatner was Canada Jew, yes nothing like a German girl portraying an Indian to make you forget about them all being dead.

By the way, is this virus spreading from the Corona feces of the queers shitting on each other or is it like HIV, in the the things they vaccinate for?
Go worship Rainbow Obama queerlings as that is the god you chose.

Onto better things.....

I think I want to put in for two ranches when the Indians are dead, as I will have the queer donation, and I would like a spread in South Dakota and New Mexico, no gerbils allowed of course on my spread, but this is one Garden Party I can go to Ricky Nelson.

Nuff Said
