Saturday, May 9, 2020

Prevnar 13

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Mikovits Movie
Dearest Sisters,
Just finished watching it, and am kind of leaning towards acquiescence in the experience of the second injection in the Prevnar 13 anti-pneumonia regimen due this coming Wed., and really hate to impose on your time, but with all the confusing information on what needles to allow in, is this one that hopefully won’t be inadvertently consequential? She said it was her job to develop vaccines, and I’m hoping this one has a history of being generally accepted.

Yours Truly,
The Viking

Prevnar 13 is the biggest profit source for Pfizer which means it is injected in mass doses each year. The largest threat from this virus is allergic reactions.

The web page explaining all of this also lists this information on who should not be receiving this vaccine, which is if you had another vaccine, which your doctor will be aware of.

The following groups shouldn’t get the PCV13 vaccine:
  • individuals who are currently feeling ill
  • people who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any of the following:
    • a previous dose of PCV13
    • an earlier pneumococcal vaccine called PCV7
    • a vaccine containing the diphtheria toxoid (such as DTaP)
    • any components of the PCV13 vaccine
These groups of people shouldn’t receive the PPSV23 vaccine:
  • individuals who are currently feeling ill
  • pregnant women
  • people who have had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any of the following:
    • a previous dose of PPSV23
    • any components of the PPSV23 vaccine

As you already lost your virginity with the first round, I would just make sure that the nurse was pretty, and request one who was pretty, as it is a proven fact that ugly nurses give shots which hurt a great deal worse than pretty nurses. You can tell your pretty nurse that, and she will remember you every day.

Viking as you are playing in the metro, do the rubber gloves, some kind of coofer mask, some kind of eye protection, and if you have rubber protection for your shoes, wear it, and if not leave the shoes outside when you get home, disinfect them, dump your clothes in the washing machine and take a shower.
The clinic is a bigger problem than the vaccine will be. Then you can rest and not worry about pneumonia.

You don't ever intrude or obtrude with me.

Nuff Said
