Les Américains ont utilisé des bébés morts. Nous utilisons des vers
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan Mirror appeared, I did not conceive that this blog would be turned into a graduate course in microbiology. I give credit to God and TL, because TL is a university degree holding chemist, and in TL's work, I was forced to educate myself in the terms of long chains, polar and non polar, to try to follow a conversation in one of the most advanced fields in Organic Chemistry.
You are going to hear a great deal about Donald Trump's Magic Bullet AKA the serum, of mRNA -1237, and not have a clue what that is, unless you have had this poor orphan girl teach you what is going on. I had to study this for around seven minutes and run things by TL as TL's genius mind knows all of these terms more than I do. I can though now explain what is taking place and make this easy to understand.
mRNA - 1237 is code, like a street address or a computer program. the "m" stands for MESSAGE, the RNA is a protein which is your postman, and the 1237 means this is number 1237 in the Spike Proteins.
The reason it is called a SPIKE, because just like a harpoon, a virus has a protein spike which drives into your cell, to overtake, and rewrite it, with it's own message, to not replicate a cell, but the virus. This is why you get sick and with a biological weapon, it is why you die.
That was pretty easy wasn't it. No question, because it was easy, and God made me an excellent teacher in explaining things.
OK, so the guy that President Trump hired is this Morraccan doctor who ran Smith Kline Glaxo, and also runs another company called MODERNA in Massachusettes.
Moderna received samples of the Coronavirus and the isolated 1237, and it really is noticeable, as everyone began targeting 1237 as a remedy from Day One. Someone might say that this was the direction people were pointed who make serums, because the people who made this virus, knew this was the Achilles Heel, the shut off for Coronavirus Wuhan Mirror.
Biological: mRNA-1273
Lipid nanoparticle (LNP) dispersion containing an mRNA that encodes for the prefusion stabilized spike protein 2019-nCoV. mRNA-1273 consists of an mRNA Drug Substance that is manufactured into LNPs composed of the proprietary ionizable lipid, SM-102, and 3 commercially available lipids, cholesterol, DSPC, and PEG2000 DMG.
So picture in you mind this harpoon, attached to a whaling boat, skimming along in the ocean of your body. Your body does not recognize this biological weapon, because it is not reading it as a virus, until long after it has made you sick. In fact, only after you have no symptoms or are recovering, does you body get triggered by the HIV they spliced into this bioweapon, and then it starts inflaming and attacking your body. In phase 3 as this blog exclusively exposed, the virus oxidizes the iron in your blood, and gives you iron poisoning to kill you.
What 1237 does, is explained in scientific terms, but I will provide layman terms so you can understand.
1237 is a new lipid nanoparticle, or it is a new small fat cell. This miniature fat cell, is put into a solution of of the message protein, the mailman delivering a letter, and I highlighted this as it is important, but the 1237 in the message serum, ENCODES FOR FULL LENGTH. What that means is the bioweapon Coronavirus is not recognized by the body as a threat in a virus. That is what a bioweapon would be built for to kill. What 1237 does, is puts a big shining blade on the Coronavirus harpoon, so your body says, WE KNOW WHAT THAT IS AND IT IS A VIRUS!!!
Your body then begins manufacturing white blood cells to attack this extended virus, now recognized, and your body, makes antibodies which are geared to destroy now what it recognizes as a threat.
The thing is 1237 does something more as is highlighted in PREFUSION STABILIZED SPIKE, see the Corona is looking to impale or fuse or infuse inside your cell. 1237 makes the blade into a recognizable threat, but it also puts it into a sheath, so it can not attack cells.
1237 simply takes the camo off this harpoon, so your body knows it is a harpoon.
ModernaTX, Inc. mRNA-1273 is a novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-encapsulated mRNA-based vaccine that encodes for a full-length, prefusion stabilized spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2.The 1237 or the lipid it is, which as a fat cell, is part of a family of fat cells your body uses like cholestrol for your brain, or certain Vitamins. This part is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in it has been discovered that taking Vitamin D, builds a resistance to Coronavirus, the biological weapon. Vitamin A, D and K are all oily vitamins, meaning D which is body generated from exposure to sunshine in natural production, must be a natural inhibitor to this virus due to it being the same type of "fat sheath" which 1237 is as it stops the Coronavirus from infecting cells.
A kung fu panda out in California on the holy grail quest, phrased the 1237 as wrapping around the Coronavirus, and flushing it from the body. That is very close to what this serum does.
The Sheath part is the IONIZED LIPID, as that means a charge and it is missing an electron, which the virus is then "completed" with 1237, and the result is the body's natural immune system killing Coronavirus for the biological weapon it is, without the camouflage.
Lipid - Wikipedia
In biology and biochemistry, a lipid is
a macrobiomolecule that is soluble in nonpolar solvents. Non-polar
solvents are typically hydrocarbons used to dissolve other naturally
occurring hydrocarbon lipid molecules that do not (or do not
easily) dissolve in water, including fatty acids, waxes, sterols,
fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides,
diglycerides ...
What is the physiology of lipids and lipoproteins?
The two major forms of circulating lipid in the body, triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol, are insoluble in plasma. However, these lipids can be transported throughout the bloodstream as ...
We now come to the more easily understood part of this in Moderna, has built it's 1237 on dead babies, or the fetal cells which Barack Obama was spreading around like orange marmalade on toast from his aborticide operations.
The 1237 Spike Protein which Moderna is replicating is using the HEK 293. The translation of HEK 293 means baby in the womb kidney cells which are used in "gene expression" or making genes replicate for a purpose to study or build serums.
HEK 293 cells - Wikipedia
HEK 293 cells are straightforward to grow in culture and to transfect. They have been used as hosts for gene expression.Typically, these experiments involve transfecting in a gene (or combination of genes) of interest, and then analyzing the expressed protein.The widespread use of this cell line is due to its transfectability by the various techniques, including calcium phosphate method ...
Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, a prolife organization whose mission is to end the use of aborted fetal material in vaccines and medicines, said her suspicions were raised after checking Moderna’s patents and in particular, the use of the Spike (S) protein.
The idea behind using this Spike protein in a vaccine with messenger RNA (mRNA) is to teach the patient’s immune system to produce its own protein antibodies to block and destroy the virus so the person will not become infected. Unfortunately, Vinnedge said her heart sank when she discovered that Spike protein was produced using HEK 293 aborted fetal cells.
Pandemic or not, this is unacceptable and treating people with cannibalism is not Christian. For the NIH to feed Moderna the 1237 as a treatment in knowing that humans were murdered for it, is another example of President Donald Trump not being served by his advisors. For this Dr. Anthony Fauci should be fired, removed and investigated by the DOJ for his far too many conflicts of genocide Bill Gates' interests.
The President though has invested 30 million dollars in taxpayer moneys into the French pharmaceutical giant, Sanofi, which states it can produce hundreds of millions of doses of serum by 2012 AD in the year of our Lord. The French method though is based upon a new technology they acquired by buying the company. What Sanofi is manufacturing with is not human baby parts, but instead the pest of "army worms".
This is fantastic, as serums used to be grown in eggs, or mice brains, but it took months to accomplish this. The company Protein Sciences discovered a DNA platform in insect cells which produced a highly rapid growth rate for vaccines.
This is a tried method of several years in actual production. No babies were murdered in this, and no one cares how many pestilence army worms are killed in making this treatment or any other vaccine.
Enter, Sanofi Pasteur which is using its own recombinant DNA platform to produce a Covid-19 vaccine. According to the Department of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) reports, Sanofi is using the DNA of the baculovirus expression platform, which is also used in their licensed Flublok Quadrivalent vaccine.
As in most seasonal flu vaccines, the need to produce large quantities of vaccine quickly has been a problem for many years as pharmaceutical companies used chicken eggs to cultivate their viruses. It takes several months and millions of eggs needed to produce the vaccines and so many companies began to turn to other cell lines for faster production.
One such company was Protein Sciences whose recombinant DNA platform is based on insect cells. Their Sf9 cell line comes from the fall armyworm and is highly effective as a rapid growth medium. It has been used for several years in producing influenza vaccines. In 2017, Sanofi Pasteur bought Protein Sciences and is using this same platform for their newly developing Covid-19 vaccine which will allow them the flexibility to make millions of doses of vaccine quickly.
As this blog has stated, plague or not, it is not acceptable to use butchered children to make anything. The President must be pressed on this, and Moderna can not be allowed to manufacture anything with baby parts. Sanofi is in testing and their trials are positive in results. They can produce over 500 million vaccines by the end of the year, and the only acceptable position for Donald Trump is for Sanofi to lease to Moderna the Sf9 cell line, for a French American solution to this treatment AS LONG AS IT IS NOT FORCED INJECTIONS.
Sara Carter is not telling you this serum is made with dead babies.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Still waiting on you rich people to pay for your education. Get to donating.
Nuff Said