As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This liberal idiot Bill Clinton appointed judge in Sullivan, who is attempting to lynch General Michael Flynn, is pouring gasoline and throwing dynamite onto the fire which the Obama regime lit, and that entire inferno is burning back to the Democrats in the 2020 election.
An intelligent mind would want more than anything for 2020, for this Obama conspiracy to just go away with setting Michael Flynn free, but Sullivan is making this an issue, the worst of it, this is going to the Federal Appeals Court, and if they liberal muck it up, it goes to the Supreme Court, and all of this just keeps festering away, eating on Obama, Clinton and Biden all through 2020 worse than the Coronavirus.
Michael Flynn asks appeals court to intervene against judge halting DOJ dismissal ∞ washexam
There are numbers of stupid people in this group of bad actors, and the image Obama is the worst. The stunt of whining about Michael Flynn, being recorded and that whining being released to the public, puts Obama's dirty hands all over this. Obama owned this and now owns this. What people have forgotten and not cared about, are not being reminded of in the buyer's regret of putting that Designer Negro into the Oval Office.
Turley: Sullivan's attempting to subject Flynn to "mob rule"; Powell files appeal ∞ hotair
This could have all been laid at the scheming feet of James Comey of the FBI, and Lisa Page in trying to frame Michael Flynn, but Sullivan and Obama are not letting Comey go into the night alone.
Comey in an interview with that treacherous Nicole Wallace, blurted out this gem, which confirms and confesses that James Comey knowingly engaged in duping the White House, avoided the White House Counsel and put FBI agents into Michael Flynn's office, for the expressed purpose of tripping him up to lie or getting him to admit to something, they would arrest him on.
What Comey admitted to was criminal entrapment of an innocent man, in he knowingly THOUGHT this all out, in order to destroy Michael Flynn. Do not overlook the fact that Comey was conspiring with Obama while Obama was in the White House concerning Flynn, and that the unmasking of General Flynn, and going through his bank accounts, was taking place before he had spoken with the Russians.
JAMES COMEY: I sent them -- something we, I probably wouldn't have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation -- a more organized administration. The FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official. You would work through the White House counsel and there were discussions and approvals and it would be there and I thought, it's early enough. Let's just send a couple of guys over.
Setting Michael Flynn free, as he should have been, would have gotten James Comey and Andrew McCabe arrested. By keeping this vendetta alive, draws the indictment noose closer on Obama's crooked neck, whether Attorney General William Barr, is trying to keep that noose off of the Bush family's favorite pet Negro and their favorite lesbian in Hillary Clinton.
Common sense would have dictated to make this all go away, but you have to remember that Obama was a thin skinned son of a bitch when he was alive, but he was a hen pecked little bastard by that shemale Michelle and that surrogate she cat Val-erie Jarrett, and it has been women's scorn which has driven this charade, when a man would have let this go long ago.
For some reason, Donald Trump gets those pussy going, even without grabbing them, and those women will never let it go.
Nuff Said