Friday, May 8, 2020

Sioux Indians of South Dakota order Coronavirus Lock Down

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My sources inform me that the predicted problems in South Dakota with the Sioux Indians contracting Coronavirus has begun. Last Friday, a settlement called Enemy Swim when into lockdown. 18 cases have now been confirmed in this Indian settlement, with it having spread to a few Caucasians.

On the other end of that state on the Rosebud reservation, at Spring Creek, the tribal chair has locked down that village as the virus has created another hot spot there.

This is being repressed, in there are not national or local stories focused on this. It is instead the Navajo, but these Sioux Indians control 1/4th of the state of South Dakota in land on tribal grounds.

I'm quite pleased that Inquiry indicated there would be outbreaks in the Indian nations in the first week of May, and the matrix was right in what I was plugged into. It indicated this would be severe. The Mexican outbreak is later and has not yet begun.

For your information in the White and Black community, I was checking projections, forget May being a peak.The models which are available are moving into July and this does not flatten to a several deaths daily in each state until the end of August.

The stories on the Indians are being suppressed.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

