Friday, May 8, 2020

Tonto and the Coof

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Them Indians never get their shit straight and that is why they are going to end up with nothing, because they are all Crazy Horse in mind and Sitting Bull in mentality, in they just never could play the game.

I told you that this Coronavirus is a thinking virus. I told you that this virus, knows the Indians have too much land, have been paid for it all twice over, are communist pets that bite the hands that welfare state them, and under those lands are resources which were never theirs, as they Obama plot how great America would be with everyone else dead from this plague.

Donald Trump in the stimulus created 8 billion dollars for the Indians, but Steve Mnuchin in Goldman Sachs had a clever plan to break the Indian Soviet, by handing that money over to Tribal Incorporated Villages in Alaska, which operated for profit, instead of the Wait Around the Fort and Wild Buck Indians in the lower 48 who are the Soviet communists of America, that Obama made into sovereign nations.

The Soviets smelled a rat in this, and the Bucks of Washington and Maine filed a lawsuit for all the Trump cash. The Trump people said, this  was emergency money and the small incorporated tribes or villages could deal with their people's needs better than the Soviet centralized dictatorship. Of course they got an Indian lover judge who sided with the Indians, but the Indians only got half the money, as this goes into appeals, and now the Indians are frowning that it will take a month to get the 4 billion.

Well, Tonto, maybe you should not be biting the hand that feeds you, as that hand will close and punish your ass to make you suffer, so maybe you learn something for the first time in your life.

So you understand this, the Indians will mismanage this money, like they do all money. There is are reason the cartel has this all in casinos, meth labs and all kinds of gang tribes out there, and that is because this is a corrupt leftist state. That is why Mnuchin was funneling cash to the States Rights Indians, as Goldman is attempting to decentralize the community organized tribes, away from the corrupt few getting rich, to the individual many who desire to work, and not be welfare whores.

Tribes sue Trump Administration to stop CARES Act funding to Alaska Native Corporations

A federal judge blocked the Treasury Department from sending coronavirus relief money meant to benefit Native American tribes to certain for-profit Native corporations.

So the Indians like at Little Big Horn, murdered Custer, but in the end lost the war, by listening to these leftist Indian Ring profiteers who wanted their hands on this money. This money is not going to go to profiteers who are trying to lynch Donald Trump. This money will funnel to the corporations which are engaged in dealing with this biological weapon from China called Wuhan Virus.

A Judge Sided With Native American Tribes Challenging How The Trump Administration Is Handling Coronavirus Relief Money

Donald Trump is the great Emancipator of the Indians as Lincoln was for the Blacks. Indians need to  be liberated from the corrupt bunch of communist holding them Obama hostage. Do not think that Obama was going to cut them a deal, as you saw what his Injuns did to the Mormons when Greg Bretzing had LaVoy Finnicum assassinated. That was over uranium under the soil, and there are lots of things under the soil of Indian sojourn.
The Alaska Indians are ahead of the game as they understand where this is going, and are incorported and looking to cut a deal for the profits. These other Fort Indians of Obama just challenged where this is going, and they made the biggest mistake since Wounded Knee in wandering off the reservation, because this Ghost Dance ain't going to fly as the people behind Coronavirus are going to take everything like at Oregon with the Mormons.
Donald Trump gives the best possible way forward, and that is incorporated Indians getting an Alaskan revenue cut, as the financial powers develop those wasted lands, which the People already own as they paid for these lands 2 times over already.
The only reason the Indians exist is the Indian Ring makes a fortune off of government subsidies which cheat Indians as the criminal syndicates glean revenues from dope to gambling off the reservations.

Do not forget that it was the traitor John McCain, with the mafia who pushed through Indian Gambling. That same group screwed Donald Trump over in Atlantic City, and there is a reckoning coming over that. The Indian should be wising up in who is in power and take the Trump deal, as they will be moved off of everything as Coronavirus depletes their numbers and the reality becomes evident that the United States already paid for those lands, so it is time to put Americans on those lands.

Trump heads to Native America roundtable amid heat on $8 billion in coronavirus relief

There is a great deal taking place with this President, who is being ridiculed by Rense propaganda, in forgetting this is the same guy who leveled the Clinton and Obama machine, kept the coup plotter at bay and turned the tables on them, and he is methodically working to achieve what are more William McKinley and Calvin Coolidge policies when it comes to the the Indians and the American West.

I can tell you why the media is silent about this, it is because the media is owned by the same corporate Nazis who are after these lands and what is under them.  They do not want anyone examining what is taking place, in association with this coronavirus to get rid of the communists who are running the tribes. They are going to try it Trump's humane way, and if the Indians do not make smoke, then doing what should have been done before the Washington City humane policy decided to make pets of them which turned into ingrate socialists plotting to genocide Americans, as that is their dream is dead Whites and Blacks in masses.

The Indian was never meant to hold sovereign lands. They were to be civilized, provided 160 acre homesteads like all Americans, and then absorbed into America they way all nationalities were. That is Teddy Roosevelt Doctrine and US policy. The correction of that hijacked policy is now forming, and you thought nothing was going on but Coronavirus in all of the exclusives that the Lame Cherry has been educating you on.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
