Monday, May 4, 2020

The Children of Plague

Almighty Father,

You weigh all things in the balance and have Wisdom beyond our understanding. In this plague, You have shown your mercy in taking the old home to be with You before this virus struck. You have shown your mercy in protecting us your children and you know our fears and concerns over our futures, as we are people who sink like Peter in the waves.

There are those among us that we have concerns about, which You have already measured and know their needs. It is our concern with family and friends to bring them to you in Faith. It is our part to pray and Your part to fulfill these prayers in our best intentions.

Whether deserving or not, we pray for the parents of the children, who we ask for Your protection and guidance, to be safe from this plague and to be better parents to their children.
We pray for the safety of the children, to guarded from this virus and the lasting effects. They are in the bloom of life, and for Your Glory we ask that You carry them through this to be raised up in service to You.

We commend ourselves and those we bring before You to Your omniscient Care and Guidance, in trusting Your Will to be accomplished for our good and their good, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.
