Monday, May 4, 2020

The Obama Rainbow Coronavirus Plague

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry begins this with, those who have pushed for economic reasons to open the country up, are going to rue the day, for the financial damage which is coming to the United States, as Corona virus is going to become a terror psychology, due to the fact that the Bill Cunningham's HAVE NOT TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE CORONAVIRUS HAS SHIFTED FROM WHITES TO OTHER RACES IN THE UNITED STATES.

This is by design and deliberate spreading of other ethnic viruses, and those behind this know this information and if you would bother it is in the data if you would just read it, but no one does.

I choose two White states to prove the point as they were both pushing "this is a White plague" for sometime, but the data coming out in the metro of South Dakota and Minnesota is proving otherwise.

In South Dakota 67% of the plague carriers are NOT WHITE. That one Mexican who two weeks before Easter infected the Chinese Smithfield hog slaughter plant, has produced now over 2000 infections, and in multi cultural Sioux Falls, the slave migrants from Africa, Asia and Latin America are dying and becoming infected in mass.

I had wondered if the mongrel crosses of races would prove a barrier, but it appears that the crossbreeds are actually more susceptible. This virus is killing Blacks, Tans and Yellows, and is infecting them at a horrendous rate.


Minnesota is still rigging their data, but from a 85% infection of Whites just a month ago, the infection in other races has climbed to such an extent, that it has shaved 40% off of Caucasians. This is the data the CDC has, which all the government has, and the cry from the radical right is to open America up, while the leftists existing in the slums is well aware that their ghettos are contagious and dangerous to move around in.

If one adds up the wacky Minnesota data, 41% of the Whites have this plague, but 61% of the other races have it, that is 102% which is impossible, but it is what Minnesota math is, in covering up this pandemic.


Race Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
White 41% 69%
Black 15% 4%
Asian 4% 1%
American Indian/ Alaska Native 1% 1%
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander <1 td=""> 0%
Multiple races 2% 1%
Other 10% <1 td="">
Unknown/missing 28% 23%
Ethnicity Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
Hispanic 14% 2%
Non-Hispanic 53% 69%
Unknown/missing 33% 28%

This is all racist, and I rarely use that word as it has been bastardized so much, but this is racist in the Mockingbird pasty whites, have read this data, know now what this blog predicted in the White Wave would pass, and then this would embed in the other races in America for a summer burn.

Once this virus creates a burn, it keeps smouldering in hundreds of cases. It simply will not stop the data reveals once it gets hot.

All of this should matter to Whites in this virus is showing up in air pollution and in water. It is in hot zones, the buildings and the people. It is like anthrax and leprosy when it gets embedded and the reality is it keeps breeding disease, and the cases which White People will contract are going to be from the feces of these dirty foreigners who will create epidemic spikes in White communities.

I'm studying one of these race hotspots in South Dakota which appeared this past week. A source alerted me to it, and it is being suppressed by the government and media, but this is spreading to Whites from the ethnics. This is the danger in the "open economy" as Coronavirus in May goes Obama Rainbow Plague.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and waiting for the tourists to now appear with this information and not give me credit again.
