I eat it like chocolate sprinkles on ice cream
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
You know it is a real riddle. Donald Trump goes to AIPAC and Coronavirus follows. Donald Trump goes to CPAC and Coronavirus is there.
He goes to Marlargo and Coronavirus is there. Comes to a point that the White House Press Corp is coofing at him trying to give him the virus. Then amazingly, his Navy valet catches it, Mike Pence's press chic catches it........it is almost as if someone has been trying to assassinate the President with Coronavirus, and for some reason, no one has been opening a DOJ investigation and the Secret Service has not arrested any assassins.
In light of that, it is a prudent reality for this President to reveal that he has been taking Chloroquine, hopefully with zinc, as it will probably save a number of people from getting hosed down with the coof.
Trump Reveals He Is Taking Hydroxychloroquine As Preventative Measure ∞ dailywire
You have to ask yourself in who would have access to a Naval valet and Mike Pence's Press Secretary? Then again it is not like JewPac and ConPac are exactly places where you get a rub down from Ann Coulter for an entrance fee. That just ain't public for the grubbers.
Now that you are thinking, the best thing in this is the President being prescribed and taking Chlorquine safely. It will give treatments to the public, who will finally hear the Truth.
Find out about hydroxychloroquine without the spin, the drug @realDonaldTrump says he's taking ∞ fullmeasure
Doctors report hydroxychloroquine has over 90% chance to cure coronavirus patients ∞ oann
South Dakota buried a pile of Mexicans though. No word if they were like the Vets on toe tag tables before they got their dose.
That about covers it, in what I wanted to say.
So let the CIA Mockingbird Media rant about things Chloroquine.......almost like they want to keep this plague going to centralize power.
USA Today
Fact check: Trump wrongly claims FDA 'approved' drug ...
Mar 19, 2020President Donald Trump claimed during a White House briefing on Thursday that the Food and Drug Administration had approved the "very powerful" drug chloroquine to treat coronavirus.
The same media which promoted Russiagate in Robert Mueller, same media which promoted impeachment, and now the same media which wants the President dead. Sort of see a pattern there that US Attorney John Durham is aware of.
Nuff Said