Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Who are Trump's OTHER FORCES??????????

Dr. Slaoui, now a venture capitalist, said that he had “recently seen early data from a clinical trial with a coronavirus vaccine, and these data made me feel even more confident that we will be able to deliver a few hundred million doses of vaccine” — enough to inoculate much of the United States — “by the end of 2020.”
He did not identify which vaccine he was referring to, but until Friday, when he resigned to take on the new job with the White House, Dr. Slaoui served on the board of Moderna, a biotechnology company that has an experimental coronavirus vaccine that just entered Phase 2 of clinical trials to determine if it is effective.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is alarmed over President Donald Trump's announcement of his Coronavirus vaccine, because in a federal court world where the courts are telling right wing people to go to church or the bar, to get Coronavirus as their right, and this same police state forces people to pay taxes, wear seatbelts, drink fluoride, there is something off in this, as the Courts do nothing but forced people to submit, but to catch Coronavirus, the Darwins suddenly have the right and are pushed to it with these fake CIA protests.

There are disturbing things taking place in America, where Attorney General William Barr protects rights to catch the virus, but in the Lame Cherry's MARK OF THE TRUMP, nothing is said about the Governor of Washington tracking and starving people in his state who will not submit.

As this blog touched on, these Coronavirus guinea pig trials of Americans have been going on since March 23rd. March is important in this as the United States has been funding French vaccine conglomerates and hosts of others, and now President Trump has appointed Dr. Saloui of Moderna to head his Project Warp Speed, which will bring injections to all of your arms, by the United States military, in automatic injections.

There are 500 million doses, and as the NIH has informed the world, you will need two or three doses for this Coronavirus, hence 170 million White Americans are going to be pin cushions as White Americans are now the guinea pigs in these tests around the nation, headed that the Government biological research center in Washington State.

These trials have been taking place since March 23rd, based on Chinese communist releases of virus information.
Everyone knows no one can believe a Chicom, but something is up in this, as the Chinese PLA hackers have gone into overdrive in hacking secure research sites. China for all it's lies, has been covering up the fact that China is dying from Coronavirus. It's economy is dead, and it's people have at least, according to a World Net Daily post were 8 times more effected than Peking has admitted to.

It is a fact that Peking, after first spreading this Coronavirus Wuhan to the world to "equal the playing field" is now light years behind in the research, as with their Obama lab in Wuhan, all they could turn out were first strike blueprint low grade biological weapons. The Obama lab can not make a cure, and that is why China is looking to steal the genetic design, so it is not left dying from Coronavirus as the world gears up to make China pay, or retaliate with their own counter strikes.

Moderna (MRNA) said in a statement Monday that the first batch of its novel coronavirus vaccine, called mRNA-1273, has been sent to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

mRNA vaccines

Moderna has yet to produce a proven vaccine with its mRNA technology platform, which aims to make drugs that direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease. It makes use of messenger ribonucleic acid, a molecule vital to the proper functioning of the body's cells.
What appears to be the working protocol in this is Moderna created the working model in this, which is not the Jewish bioweapon's lab chimera which was to inject another coronavirus into people to infect them, is that the virus has spikes or proteins which it jams into cells to infect them. With Coronvirus Wuhan being a biological weapon, beyond China's capability, this Mirror infected the person who develops flu like symptoms, and once the body begins making anti bodies, it then creates a surge of antibodies which inflame the body, and leads to an iron toxicity overload, which kills the person in various forms of iron poisoning or the reaction to it, as blood clots.

The "vaccine" is not a vaccine of the dead virus, but of prototypes of the protein spikes, the mRNA, which triggers the immune system, which is then supposed to kill the virus, before it can reach the 2nd and 3rd phase which is causing lung and heart deaths.

Which brings us to Trump Vaccine, and his verbiage of using the MILITARY AND OTHER FORCES, as in forcing Americans to be vaccinated.

What I assume in John Brennan type smoke and mirrors, is what the President has given authority to, which he has not any right to do, is to deploy the United States military, but before they are deployed, they will in the millions in his call up, be forced under orders to receive this Protein Shake.
Failure to do so will bring prison or firing squad.

Once this has been injected into every military person in and out of service, this blog projects that this to make it legal, will come under the direction of millions of Homeland Security officers who will be in command of the military, to make it domestic, like the SS giving orders to the Wehrmacht.

The reports I have received state they will begin this with the elderly in mass injections in nursing homes. Yes, you took Medicare, so your prize for staying in a geezer prison is to be injected with the Protein Shake. This will of course have injected millions of Americans in this first wave.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans.
“You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine,” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox Business Network. “Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”
He said he believes there will be a vaccine by the end of the year and the United States is mobilizing “our military and other forces” on that assumption.

It should progress out, perhaps if you took the 1200 dollar Trump Bribe, it will be deemed a non written contract that you have submitted to be injected, and I am using the term INJECTED, not vaccinated as there is a vast difference between a dead virus activating your immune system, to a spike protein causing a antigen response for a live virus.

One of the many problems in this is, not only the Jewish bioweapons labs, the Chinese bioweapons, but the American bioweapons labs are churning out injections. Yes the infamous Fort Detrick in Maryland, home of Lyme Disease is testing it's own injections on people based on monkey models

Common sense should dictate that people who create biological weapons, should not be the ones looking for cures, just as people who have M 16 rifles should not be giving geezers their shots from a needle in retirement homes.

The problem in all of this is the original, unscrubbed story from the military which found that if you took a flu vaccine, it increased the Coronavirus biological weapon by almost 40% in your contracting it.
As Dr. Mikovits has warned, Coronavirus activates other viruses which were in vaccines. This is a complex bioweapon, and injecting mutant proteins to stop it, is probably something the creators of this vaccine prepared for.
.....and lest we forget, this Mirror and the walking inoculation, and the other strains, were lab created, spliced in HIV and TB, and hosts of other things which are still manifesting.

As one observes these "trials", one simply should be alarmed that China which deliberately spread this virus after it was released, is in on the trials. Justin Trudeau signed Canadian lives over to Chinese testing. Americans are being injected with unproven vaccines that no one knows what in the hell they are going to manifest later with. They could shut down the entire protein system of the human body in an HIV type response. Imagine blocking proteins which you are, a living protein, and these injections have you starving to death in your own body. Great weight loss program until you die.

As Moderna is to produce the prototype and test it, the French pharm giant, Sanofi is contracted for producing half a billion injections in a year. There is a great deal of money to be made in this and if this goes wrong, there are going to be piles of dead people.

It’s not the only potential vaccine in the pipeline. Dozens of research groups around the world are racing to create a vaccine against COVID-19. Another candidate, made by Inovio Pharmaceuticals, is expected to begin its own safety study next month in the U.S., China and South Korea.

Most of the vaccine research under way globally targets a protein aptly named “spike” that studs the surface of the new coronavirus and lets it invade human cells. Block that protein and people cannot get infected.
Researchers at the NIH copied the section of the virus’ genetic code that contains the instructions for cells to create the spike protein. Moderna encased that “messenger RNA” into a vaccine.

The burgeoning problem in this is, past the hype of 5G which this blog exposed in the VIBORG, a synthetic virus of mechanical and biological origins, but the vaccines come with an RFID tag for tracking. So if you do not take the vaccine, you do not go beep at the grocery store and you can't buy food, as the state of Washington is already starving Americans there.
Worse, there is the Gates tracking bill of 6666 in the Congress which is setting aside a new police state to track this virus, as testing is being wound down in the United States. An entire police state is being set up, which is armed, which is in control by Homeland and which is military, is being positioned to force you take this vaccine or die.

Gates Explains that the Coronavirus Vaccine
will Use Experimental Technology and will

 The Gates Coronavirus Certificate Of Vaccination ID
And Patent 060606 - Listen To The Facts - There Is A
Religious Message Here But Listen To The Hard Facts

Frankly, I did not vote for any of this in 2016. This is not MAGA. This is Mengele of Auschwitz. No American life is worth more than some rich person's protfolio and stock options. If I was to lay this on the War Planners programs, this would look something like, the West is creating a forced injection of everyone, making every one of them tracked for security, and China is being brought into the trials to watch. China will be told to come up with trillions of dollars, end the communist state, or the West prepares for war, as China coofs up it's lungs next winter.. That is what this looks like as a War Game.

What it looks like to an American of the Constitution is the ending of all Rights. The Government has the right to lock down, and yet it is said it does not have that right, as people get duped into church and bars. It has the right to distance people, to protect the population.
The government does not have the right to force people to work, no drive people from homes in the caverns of Coronavirus. People have the Right to Life, Liberty and to do what Makes them Content.
The government does not have the right to order you to take an injection and starve you into submission.

I realize how this forced injection will be played. It will order you to send your children to school, but they can't attend without an injection, and if you do not send them to school, then you will be fined. It will be the same leverage which the government always unleashes top to bottom to force people to submit.

We were told this was the common cold, so none of this mattered, and now instead of like Swine Flu vaccines which were options, that the Trump Vaccine has the military behind it, joined with Homeland, and with the conglomerate state.
This blog is not calling Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, but put Hitler activating the Wehrmacht, joined with the SS and with Bayer, that is the same model and is Nazism, as that is what National Socialism is, the government by the police state, joined to the conglomerates to manage a nation to force people to do things.

Nothing is going to assure me that this is kosher anymore. There is too much at work here and too much money and power involved, and those who obtained his Mirror from private labs in the United States, along with the shut off control of this virus, have their necks on the line, as they fully understand to move this along, they have to create an alarmist reaction in the United States to force the issue in order to save themselves.
That is quite a great deal of work for Ann Coulter's masters, who sent her out to smear the right wing in America, and assured us, this virus was nothing as it only came out of a bat's butt.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


