Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Coof Fire Sales

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the Coronavirus, murdering and maiming, the astute will plan for the future hell on earth and hell if they plan a bit too well, as there are going to be numerous advantages in the future year, which will yield everything from pussy to cars to inheritances, all from the benefits of this virus.

Think of it this way. Some coofer dies in their coof apartment or house, no one will want it, no more than a murder scene or a ghost house, as Coronavirus will haunt it with death. That is a wonderful buy for the astute and bottles of bleach.

Think of the prom queen from 50 years ago for the geezers. Her husband gets the coof, he dies, and there is the grieving widow of 68 years old. You get a bottle of Viagra and finally get to tap that as you give comfort........yeah the hell of eternity, but as I said, there will be the exploiters and the exploiters.

Cars will be for sale..........hell 100,000 dead, might be 500,000 dead by August, might be 11 million dead beaners. Again a spray bottle and great buys, and for that matter all the lack of buying, with high grocery prices, and Homeland getting the big stick out, driving the poor 28 million back to coofer work, and you are going to have lots of deals.

I have lamented that there will not be garage sales this year, but people are so cooftard, there probably will and when the last corpse is bloated in the driveway, think of the buys there.

There really needs to be a coof law though, in you can't sell a coofer home, unless you tell people the plague was it with it with flood cars, so coofer cars should be so noted, "Owner died of the coof and put coof in the car".
I imagine lots of things will be dumped in Goodwill, all coof laden........then again there are lots of dumpster divers, great deals there, but all that coofer virus on them, could kill you, so bleach and sun, but again, lots of great deals will be out there on real estate, cars, pussy and whatever else the world will have rendered up by this prosperous giving virus.

Never thought of none of that did you. That is rhetorical of course, but it is what you find on the Lame Cherry, in this jungle book.

Nuff Said
