Thursday, May 28, 2020

Minnesota Looting License Cost Is One Dead Negro

You have severe inflammation of the Negro


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rush Limbaugh and others can whine about being upset about what happened to a dark guy in Minneapolis, but there are real people, who are not Negroes, who are being affected by this and terrorized by what the liberals in Minneapolis call policy.

The Viking fills in life in the metropolitan Minnesota.

Dearest Sisters,
Have you seen what’s happening here? Just down there this afternoon walking around his place with son Scott, and now this. They tore the whole store apart! He’s about 3 miles away on West River Rd. of the Mississippi, and afraid they’re going to make their way down to his territory. God forbid, Lord. Please. As they just said, the crowds are not diminishing, but increasing. And it’s not just Target being destroyed. I don’t know what more to say…

The Viking

Oh, just thought of one more thing to say. Had a short appt. with the doc today, to see if the 90/60 blood pressure of two weeks ago persisted. 120/80 today, but following your advice, young Dr. Chad Everett puts no stock at all in the efficacy of the four ingredients curing the plague everywhere, and will not prescribe them. Told him to look you up and read; hopefully he follows up. Did tell him if I succumbed to this plague that I would request these drugs he poo-poos. I don’t know, but I would not mind at all if Jesus comes back tomorrow…

As an addition, for those who have physicians far too intelligent to out think the AMA which trained them, Dr. Jerome Corsi has a link on his site, which will connect anyone to a doctor in their state for 50 dollars, in which they will give you a chat and probably prescribe to be shipped to your home, things like Chloroquine with zinc, or Ivomec with Doxycycline. No Limbaugh cancer treatments though, or teaching you how to take out your gall bladder, but is something to keep in mind which I have been considering.
