Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Corona Pulpit

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about two of God's children in Texas who mentioned something to me this week about things which appeared here, about not going out to get milk, as what was more important, milk or your life, and, the praying to accept God's Will being done, and then not liking the plan God has put into action.

My Bible reading for Friday is the one below in Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah Chapter 3.

It is a pitiful recording of a haughty people, thinking they were the apples of God's Eye, discovering that their rebellion in sin, in rejecting God, had God divorce Himself from them, as they said they did not need God.

I never feel that God does not hear my prayers, but I feel in most cases He is immovable as to He is not going to put the piss pot on the good china shelf, as I do not belong there.

People always overlook that Jeremiah, the one Prophet with the longest commission and most complex, which involved American and European lost tribe exiles, had government agents trying to murder him, was thrown into a miry pit for dead, and when he was released by the Babylonians, a local terrorist murdered the leaders the Babylonians left in charge.

It is difficult for me to behold the destruction of America, but America's civilized part was vanquished decades ago. It bothers me to know all the work and death real Americans put into this nation and how God blessed them, to see it become a sinful trash heap, and instead of turning it over to Sodom, the Biblical course of events is beginning the cleansing of the land.

42  "We have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven. 43  "You have covered yourself with anger and pursued us; you have slain without pity. 44  You have covered yourself with a cloud so that no prayer can get through. 45  You have made us scum and refuse among the nations. 46  "All our enemies have opened their mouths wide against us. 47  We have suffered terror and pitfalls, ruin and destruction."

I experience what you experience, even more than you, as it is amplified. Evil attacks here yet, and yet in the darkened skies of my worries and concerns, my thoughts of my own death, I watch the trees bud from winter and I find solace in that.
God has made me a piss pot, but here am I, God's piss pot.

The culling of this world has not even begun. To wipe out 6 billion primates, takes more than the poor showing of Coronavirus, as it would take generations to make a dent in the human population. Other measures will come and there will be more focused consternation, and those who think they should try to save the world, when that is no the plan at all. The plan is to cleanse the world of the evil in it, and the real demons have not yet been unleashed which cause the real havoc.

A God without pit, is fitting as the majority did not want a Jesus of Mercy and Grace.

When the Bible declares Jacob's Trouble, that is a trouble like none in history of God's physical priestly people and His Spiritual People. What we are dealing with now is a nuisance. This is not something to get into fetal position over. I find myself even thinking that while it was one of my fears to die suffocating, 7 days of gasping and then expiring is just 7 days, and then the end would come, as I would not go to hospital in surviving as a gimp is not survival.

I realize my reasoning is not a mass populace idea, as most cling to life with nails of steel. I though analyze and project an exit strategy. It is how I cope and death is not something I fear, as it is the living to that point which is the hard part.

Frankly, I have not seen anything really of the kinds of pitfalls, ruin and destruction on my enemies as I would enjoy.They have skated too freely and the non donors, have not had their portfolio gods wiped out, so Coronavirus encamped about the American walls is not the kind of reckoning which brings lamentations. In fact, people are worse than ever in revealing what selfish, self absorbed Covenant breakers they are.
Coronavirus only provided God's cup of Wrath with another healthy fill.

In the future tense, it will be said by the surviving, "If only for the good olde Coronavirus days when we thought we had it bad".

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
