Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Corona Rod

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 When estimates emerge of the Corona dead, the question never made public is, "Where are the dead coming from?', because if Americans had known what this blog stated that a wave would sweep over the "white race" and then move on, no one would have spent 6 trillion dollars or stayed home, which would have killed allot more White People.

If the HHS and CDC are projecting models of 3000 dead a day in America by June, as the country is opening up........then who is going to be dying?

I will be blunt in this. The reason the push is on for America to open up, has nothing to do with the economy or saving lives. The President is not some fiend endangering people. What the experts know is coming is a reality that like the Spanish Flu, killed peoples from New York to Chicago to Alaska, and left the Heartland alone out to California, these strains of the biological weapon Coronavirus, are genetic specific in who they will mostly kill and affect.

This blog first provided the data in matter anti matter exclusives that Coronavirus is shifting to kill Blacks, Tans, Yellows, Reds and Browns. There will always be "white" outliers, but the fact is when the 3000 deaths is breached, it will be coloureds. I stated here that the inquiry was pointing to an August burn for Mexicans and then things would lessen. We shall see how things degrade, but the fact is, America successfully flattened the curve, but what was not told you, is the experts knew that the majority of people were going to contract his bioweapon, so therefore, if the country was open or closed, the infections would spread in the metro ghettos.
The opening has nothing to do with that idiot Swedish model or Florida. It has to do with people are going to contract this virus, and the analysis is, to do it in summer, rather than winter, when more would die, and the seaonal flu would be competing for care.

The fact is that people were going to die from Coronavirus or seasonal flu in these groups. If one did not get them, the other would. That is not to say that this biological weapon does not have lasting effects in some people, as it does, but the fact is Coronavirus pushed out the other flus, as it was the dominant form.
Flu's secrete a signature, that tells other viruses, "The body is full. Go infect someone else".

Yet, as Florida allows some businesses to reopen (albeit with strictly limited capacity) on Monday, the NYT has published "internal projections" from the CDC calling for average daily US deaths to accelerate to 3,000 a day by June 1. However, most of the hardest hit states are seeing cases and deaths decline, while some states are seeing a slight acceleration. Overall US mortality has plateaued. According to the CDC's own coronavirus weekly summary, "nationally, levels of influenza-like illness (ILI) declined again this week. They have been below the national baseline for two weeks but remain elevated in the northeastern and northwestern part of the country. Levels of laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 activity remained similar or decreased compared to last week."
The NYT reported that the White House continues to expect up to 3,000 deaths a day in June while Trump continues to 'press' for states to reopen.
The report also claimed the projections "confirm" public health experts "primary fear" that a premature reopening will instigate a rebound putting us right back where we were in March.

What is of interest to me, is that the dominant strain which is moving around the world at this time is the Italian strain. A deliberate strain of engineering, as the President cleverly only speaks about the Chinese Wuhan strains, which has a definite taste for the Japheth northern Italians, and those Iberian groups, into Celts. This Italian or Japheth strain is what is spreading in the Slavic nations and into Russia.

Many Italians, especially in Northern Italy and parts of Central Italy, belong to Haplogroup R1b, common in Western and Central Europe. The highest frequency of R1b is found in Garfagnana (76.2%) in Tuscany and in the Bergamo Valleys (80.8%) in Lombardy, Northern regions. This percentage lowers at the south of Italy in Calabria (26.5%). On the other hand, the majority of the Sardinians belong to Mesolithic European haplogroup I2a1a

A 2018 genetic study, focusing on the Y-chromosome and haplogroups lineages, their diversity and their distribution by taking some 817 representative subjects, gives credit to the traditional northern-southern division in population, by concluding that due to Neolithic migrations southern Italians "show a higher similarity with Middle Eastern and Southern Balkan populations than northern ones; conversely, northern samples are genetically closer to North-West Europe and Northern Balkan groups"

The Lombardy region is where this was most devastating. This is the Latin or Bourbon peoples which were original settlers in south central Europe, and this is where the Italian vintage tracks. It is fascinating that from America to the Jewish State to Africa, it is Italians who are getting this virus. These are not Semite Whites, but the Japheth Caucasians of a different Noahite line.


This virus infects the Japheth extensions around the globe. I do stipulate that this is the Italian strain. It does plug and play with other races as the Hamite Africans, but the ethnics of Spain to Mexico, carry this same grouping, as it moves back into China. It infects specific Japanese groups, as much as American Indians of that Japanese mountain people, but has little effect on the Indochinese.

If the creators of this virus, do not release a Germanic strain, which is why the idiots of Sweden were somewhat spared, save those geezers who were eating shit snacks out of the asses of foreign staffers, then the Semetic White will not be greatly affected past the outliers.

There is a DNA war taking place and no one is stating who is being passed under the rod.

As we have alreadynoted, this inheritance included Britannia or the British Isles (cf. also the paper Sons of Japheth: Part VI Tubal (No. 46F)). In his historical and partly genealogical work Historia Brittonum, Nennius puts names to individuals and the tribes they founded. Alanus is said by him to have been the first man into Europe (after the Flood), and to have been only 17 generations removed from the patriarch Javan or ‘Joham’.

17. I have learned another account of this Brutus from the ancient books of our ancestors. After the deluge, the three sons of Noah severally occupied three different parts of the earth: Shem extended his borders into Asia, Ham into Africa, and Japheth into Europe.
The first man that dwelt in Europe was Alanus, with his three sons, Hisicion, Armenon, and Neugio. Hisicion had four sons, Francus, Romanus, Alamanus, and Bruttus. Armenon had five sons, Gothus, Valagothus, Cibidus, Burgundus, and Longobardus. Neugio had three sons, Vandalus, Saxo, and Boganus. From Hisicion arose four nations – the Franks, the Latins, the Germans, and Britons: from Armenon, the Gothi, Valagothi, Cibidi, Burgundi, and Longobardi: from Neugio, the Bogari, Vandali, Saxones, and Tarincgi. The whole of Europe was subdivided into these tribes.
Alanus is said to have been the son of Fethuir; Fethuir, the son of Ogomuin, who was the son of Thoi; Thoi was the son of Boibus, Boibus of Semion, Semion of Mair, Mair of Ecthactus, Ecthactus of Aurthack, Aurthack of Ethec, Ethec of Ooth, Ooth of Aber, Aber of Ra, Ra of Esraa, Esraa of Hisrau, Hisrau of Bath, Bath of Jobath, Jobath of Joham, Joham [Javan] of Japheth, Japheth of Noah, Noah of Lamech, Lamech of Mathusalem, Mathusalem of Enoch, Enoch of Jared, Jared of Malalehel, Malalehel of Cainan, Cainan of Enos, Enos of Seth, Seth of Adam, and Adam was formed by the living God. We have obtained this information respecting the original inhabitants of Britain from ancient tradition.

18. The Britons were thus called from Brutus: Brutus was the son of Hisicion, Hisicion was the son of Alanus, Alanus was the son of Rehea Silvia, Rhea Silvvia was the daughter of Numa Pompilius, Numa was the son of Ascanius, Ascanius of Eneas, Eneas of Anchises, Anchises of Troius, Troius of Dardanus, Dardanus of Flisa, Flisa of Juuin, Juuin of Japheth; but Japheth had seven sons; from the first, named Gomer, descended the Galli; from the second, Magog, the Scythi and Gothi; from the third, Madian, the Medi; from the fourth, Juuan, the Greeks; from the fifth, Tubal, arose the Hebrei, Hispani, and Itali; from the sixth, Mosoch, sprung the Cappadoces; and from the seventh, named Tiras, descended the Thraces: these are the sons of Japheth, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech.

