Monday, May 11, 2020

The Mexican Epidemic

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mexico has been simmering for an unusually long time. The rich in Mexico are becoming infected, as that is what the private hospitals are focused on. This is different, as the ghetto beaners were contracting. It is concluded that the peon was getting infected and then the rich were hiring the peons for the work, and contracting that way eating peon shit smears.

Mexico is already overwhelmed, and this virus has not yet gone to the problems New York City experienced. The rates in the United States though are dropping, and President Trump and the Governors deserve full credit.
The plateau has been achieved in the civilized world, except for Canada, as their rates building as is Brazil which is trending to a real problem as is Russia which had over 12,000 new cases today.

For White People, thee American model is working, better than the touted Swedish model. For America, the same problem is the reality as Mexico, in the Mexicans and Indians are creating their own pandemic which has not reached any plateau.

Time will tell if heat burns this virus out, or if another surge is coming. But the reality is, things look pretty good in the United States for the first time. If those trying to infect the President would be hung, it would help, but the biggest problem now for the United States will be Mexico and the problem in Brazil.

At least 26 of the 64 public hospitals in the country’s capital city that are receiving COVID-19 patients are full, Reuters reported, citing city government data.
Additionally, at least five private hospitals in the city are also full and can treat no more coronavirus patients at this time.
“Right now we don’t have any space,” an attendant at the private Centro Medico ABC hospital in Mexico City told Reuters.

Some 20 million people live in and around Mexico City.
In addition, medical facilities outside of the capital are also running out of space to treat coronavirus patients, with private hospitals in at least five states also being inundated with patients, as per Reuters.

Nuff Said
