Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Boob Armor replaces Body Armor

As another lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well there is always good news, and this Lame Cherry is pleased to inform the public, that besides large breasts being comforting, they are also lifesaving.

There was a certain woman in Trudeau's Canada who was shot in the chest. Doctors were perplexed as she was not in the least bit distressed and was not suffering in the least. Upon operating they discovered why, in the woman had silicon implants which stopped the 40 Smith and Wesson bullet!

All that money wasted on body armor research, and here the answer has always been Mae West sized tits. Tits are not only comforting, but lifesaving.

So ladies we all know what must be done. Double G sized boobs for all and we won't have to confiscate guns, as large breasts will render firearms as harmless as a dead liberal.......well a dead liberal without Coronavirus as a corpse is still contagious, so no having sex with dead people in that necromania shit that liberals are into.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter public service announcement, 40 Double G's to stop the 44 Magnum ..........I can't think of word to rhyme, so just petition the government for Infrastructure Boobs to get this country moving again.

Nuff Said
