Saturday, May 16, 2020

Things worse than Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, it is April 29th, and my intestines are gurgling. This would be day three of this interesting thing, which began a week ago when  a kind relative, stopped by and dropped off some take out as we had been locked down, and while it was ok, I never thought much about it, except I felt a little off the first time.

So second time we finish up the Chinese food, yes Chinaman take out, made by Germans or Swedes I think, and anyway, TL says, "That stuff really went through me".
My episode happened that evening, and shit through a goose is the expression in a two time event. To be graphic I was not loose the entire time, but my guts were making noises that portended of things, which did happen.

I went to bed, felt so so, and all was ok the next day........until night, and then it was like rumble city again, but without the goose part.

Same thing today, and I am wondering what the hell was up with that Chinese made by Saxons. Thankfully TL is over it, but still had some return effects.

I can honestly say, now in the distance of time, and forgetting how shitty Coronavirus is, in any form, that this Chinese version of take out is more unpleasant that the biological weapon.
Of course it might have had something to do with German tasting egg rolls, or the Texas  chilli chicken which is not exactly Chinese and then there was that other stuff which I liked, but probably did not like me.

I hope by the time you read this, that this has all passed. I know that when I was taking those minerals that it tasted metallic for weeks, which I suspect was candida dying off.

It is supposed to be that no good deed goes unpunished, but it was supposed to be for the doer not the recipient. I know that I have about had it with this pandemic stuff and I have lost my appetite for Chinese things.

Even German Chinese is bad.

Perhaps I should have talked to old Dr. Young, but then young Dr. Young, may have been more understanding, if only this had been an old plague, instead of a new one, with old Chinese food.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
