Saturday, May 16, 2020

Ginsu and Co.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a given that everything that comes out of China is crap, except pandemic virus, and in that case that filthy country can make them.

I was in the thrift and someone died, so their knives appeared. I can not believe all the crap knives in the brier, but they are here and no on buys them. Since my friend Butch died, I have no competition for the old wood handle knives, and since he died there really have not been any good knives to pick through.

So when I saw these metal handle things, I thought, "Yeah for survival they will be ok, not the cold, but for a cheap knife they will be ok".

So I picked up the butcher the ginsu as they were cheap, and for some reason the longer cutting , not paring knives were a buck  a they sat, until 3 weeks later in the quarter sale, so I picked them up too, as they were dull.

Whoever had these really treated them bad in sharpening, so when I was using a V sharpener it took some time to get them to an edge, and then I was worried about eating blade shards. The thing is I was floored when I started using them on pork loin. See I get pork loin as it is cheap, cut it into steaks and it is quick eating, as we need meat, and not all that casserole stuff all the time or burgers.

Anyway the Ginsu cut like a knife. The other butcher cut like a knife too. It floored me, and I have been using them for various cooking projects and pleased, as everything from China is crap.

The paring knives were good too. Although I never had a parrot blade or curved one, so I did not know if it was some clam kind of knife or what, and the or what part in pealing potatoes jammed in my thumb as I violated the rule cutting away from you, and I bled wonderfully. Damn Chinese goods are all crap.

As I can not stay away from dangerous things, I I have found a hook blade cuts bacon well, takes eyes out of potatoes and it works wonders on coring apples. Otherwise it is kind of a gimmick that a regular paring knife would to better.

The last two in the mid range knifes, I skun a squirrel with the one, which was not sharp enough, and that one has graduated to cutting bacon. The serrated one I just have not worked up to doing anything with.

TL has a ceramic Ginsu which I liked and did chicken with all the time. I do like them ginsu styles and like this Chinaman even if everything out of China is crap.

So I think, for like 75, 50, 40, 40, 25, 25........what is that like 500 dollars? No it is 2.25 I got a good survival knife set that sits in the washing tray and I use ti quite often. The squirrel sucks for cutting sourdough as I tried that, but that was about the only failure, save jamming into my thumb and making me bleed, as everything from China is crap.
And you wonder why all them Chinamen died. Making me bleed and cost me 2.25 to do it. They ought to learn to show respect to their betters and not be making crap stuff, as they should have figured I would be using that set.

I have not used it in 40 below weather which would be nuts as the metal handles would be 40 below and metal has not grip in blood conditions in butchering, but for the kitchen or survival where I would worry about breaking a plastic or wood handle, this metal one is not going to break.

So that was our big purchase, no one wanted it, as everything from China is crap, but sometimes being a poor orphan girl you just got to deal with crap.

Nuff Said
