Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We Love You Lisa Page!!!

“I’ve lived a thousand lives and yet, everything is immovable the same.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Please America, let us not forget heroine Lisa Page, as she has taken to Twitter in these pandemic times, hoping for attention again, as a married mum of two, she is not feeling like the MILF's pajama's anymore.

What I don't quite get is how she lived a thousand lives in 2 years and this educated legal mind says her life is immovable. That is not quite right as you do not say, "I am moving to my next birthday". One would say if she had not been traumatized by men like Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama, something like:

"I've have lived a thousand lives, have the face that launched a thousand erections, but with thousands of Obama Coronavirus dead, no one is paying attention to me".

Poor, sweet, taken advantage of, virginal, Lisa Page, has a low self esteem of herself. She thinks everyone hates her, because they have moved on. She thinks people believe she is was the insurance policy of the deep state, treacherous coup plotting slut.
Nothing could be further than the truth.

Except that now I speak out. No doubt my haters wish it wasn’t so, but I do and I will and I am not going to stop. And yes, I know: insurance policy treason deep state traitorous slut coup plotter. I know. It’s okay. I know.
— Lisa Page (@NatSecLisa) May 5, 2020

I never realized a Republican could fill me.

Lisa Page must be assured that we love her and that we have not forgotten her, for the virtuous temptress she is who was lost along the liberal way. She must understand that the only thing we hold against her is she copulated with Peter Strzok. That is just something we can't get over as we just do not understand, how she had sex with a short, balding, penis headed, troll. The Lame Cherry helps in this in forensic psychology as Lisa was suffering from "Stretched out Vulva Syndrome".
This is what happens when a beautiful woman, has two children, and her husband no longer assures his flappy vulva wife that she is the woman he would choose over 10,000 centerfolds. If he does not do this, then the lovely wife, sits at her office at work, looking unsexed and some male appears, with a wife who looks like she played football, and he seduces here with his Obama power. Next thing you know, she is coup plotting and filling her flappy vulva with things that she thinks will fill the larger emptiness in her soul.

Benedict Arnold had the same situation, but did not have the flappy vulva.

Anyway, the Lame Cherry in another exclusive in matter anti matter, leads America to show our love, affection, sexual attraction and lust for her journey in life.

We might suggest that Lisa Page  take these steps. If she wants to continue on with liberalism, she should get breast implants, and pose in Playboy, and write a book saying how wonderful Hillary Clinton is, and how she wants more than anything in life, to become a lesbian, and have a sex change to become Larry Page.

If she wants to have a fulfilling life, she should put on a FOX mini dress, and confess her sins in how sorry she is for her sins, how she has thought things over and is pleased Donald Trump is President and is going to be a Jew, because she loves Christians so much.

She plays her cards right, and she will be on every right wing talk show, the love of their erections and attentions, and getting Trump elected, she will be Ambassador to France where they count it the utmost quality of being a slutty treacherous coup plotter.

Remember Lisa, you are getting old, and your skin is sagging, and you just have this year to get things right, before you have to look dyke attractive in an orange jump suit. Think of how great things worked out for Rod Blagojevich, once he left Obama crimes behind and reformed to a Trump champion.

We love you Lisa. We have not forgotten you. We do not hate you. We do not think bad things about you. We are only disappointed in your not realizing that many Republican males have erections the size of Michelle Obama's twat enlargement which would not find her flappy vulva a problem at all, but rather welcome.

If only Lisa Page had met a good Christian man at the FBI, but then I doubt any Reagan appointments were still around to be a friend in looking out for her and assuring her she has always been all the woman any man would ever want.

 They have not forgotten me. They do love me!

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
