Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Coronavirus - A Better Parent than most Children Have

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sara Carter was in revolt, which she has time for, as she has hired nothing but dipshits to post things on her site which sound nothing but Tard.

She was on FOX on Sunday, instead of taking care of her crip war hero husband, and unleashed with a tantrum, which made the things Ivanka Trump was pushing sound tame.

The main points Sara Carter was community organizing about was:

 What do children do that:

Do not have parents at home to teach them.
Do not have someone at home to help them.

Are from broken homes.

and.....have not been schooled all summer.

She continued, “And all the children that are left alone, maybe in really undesirable situations. What happens after three months and then a whole summer without any education. This is something we have to think about.”

I can pretty well answer that from the brier patch in we as children thanked God when our parents were not around, which none of the fathers were and the mothers were hiding away watching soap operas.

We did all kinds of self education things like breaking things, riding bikes, playing games and learning how not to be noticed by adults.
Some of us broke our arms when the neighbor kid laid an electric fence on back of a horse the other kid was on and it bucked him off into a shit spreader. Some of us had chariot races with horses. We all got hurt, none of us got killed and we always heard rumors of kids doing things that Jesus would send you to hell for.

I do not remember any adult ever helping us. Most of the time we were getting yelled at to stop bothering them and go do it ourselves. If we did not learn the first time, it was pulling weeds, picking rocks or pitching shit. A day of that in 90 degree heat, 90 percent humidity, and no water as who the hell would take water along to work, and you disappeared before any of these discipline measures would be enforced again.

TL's world was the metro, where TL was left alone to be raised by TL's 10 year old sister, where they cooked, cleaned, got yelled at for "reading too much" and other asstard things that adults do when their lives are shit and they take it out on the children.

I honestly do not know any child I grew up with who was not from a broken home. The parents hated each other, took it out on the kids, and that was one of God's Gracious Graces in having shitty adults around made you not trust them, rely on them, or want to be around any of them. You became self reliant and learned to work things out, like being smart enough to evade the law as evading parents, teachers and preachers........and God as He was always around, took a great deal of skill.

As for the part of children not learning anything all summer. That is called SUMMER VACATION, where children are allowed to be children, and not little Nazi's having their days filled with shit like going to the library, being in T ball, 4H or some other horse shit that children with adults never letting kids be kids force them into and makes them into sociopaths.

So the end result of this is in Sara Cartrer Nannyville, is children having shitty adult examples, learn not to grow up like the shitty adults, as children do a great deal of talking about whose parents are whores, dopers, cheaters, pervs, criminals and assholes.

What Coronavirus is teaching Americans again, is we don't need all this shit we were told we needed. We don't need forms to fill out, pay our taxes on time, go to work, have cops around with drones or give a damn what is in the news.

If Sara Carter is so worried about the children, she is rich, she can go rent a bus, pick up all the Nigger kids in DC or wherever she lives outside the ghetto, dump 150 of them off at her gimp husband and let him teach them now not to get gimped up in war, as that is a good lesson. Sara can get her bunch, take them to work like Donald Trump used to take Ivanka, and the kids can play with Tonka toys while she wonders why her toilets are spewing sewage as some kid flushed his dirty underwear down the shitter.

Sara does that, and she will be like New York City teachers in throwing the little bastards back on the streets to fend for themselves and that will be the end of the nanny state.

I don't really get her point though, as Bill Cunningham and Blood Clot Bill Mitchell have been harping that people need to get back to work to catch Coronavirus as they are spending too much time at home with the kids.

The point I do get is, children will be fine, as long as adults stop bothering them, because in the long run, it is the adults who need the shock collars, as Sara Carter apparently sheltering at home is being at FOX as a community organizer, unless of course that is where she lives, at FOX news.

So in review, American children do not have teachers around telling them how stupid they are. Their parents are not around blaming them for their problems. They are not being dragged to church to tell them to be queers and they do not have to participate in activities which turn them into sociopaths.

That sounds to me like Coronavirus is the best parent most of these American kids have had in being 2.0 list completions for other people to raise.

Nuff Said
