Sunday, May 10, 2020

What Would Obama Have Done?

Thanks for the biological weapons, we couldn't have destroyed
the world without you two traitors. 


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For all of the image of Birther Hussein Obama, in student foreign aid, Affirmative Action, Harvard, Dreams of My Obama, when it comes down to it, Obama is still the 3rd world Afroid whose adoptive Mum, snuck back into the USA from Indonesia.

Obama Says Trump's CV Response Has Been
'Absolute Chaotic Disaster'

I honestly wonder when hearing this Nigger Talk from Obama, because this is the Din Do, the What's I'd Do, if I was in charge,  in this political sniping of Obama, because the fact is Birther Hussein was in charge, the fact is that it was Obama's folks who held over in government, who caused this Chinese bio flu to enter the United States. I can give you the pictures of the two State Department Obama trolls who let infected people in to America, after President Trump ordered them to not let infected people back into America.

William Walters is lurking in back on the right. He let infected people into America and he was an Obama appointee.

Here is Robert Kadlec, another Obama appointee, who teamed up with Walters to bring infected people into America, against Donald Trump's orders.

Who was it that depleted the pandemic supplies and never replaced them? Birther Hussein Obama.

As Obama is Nigger Talking spouting off from the shadows of his mansion, once again sowing chaos and endangering more Americans, it needs to be stated that the Obama coups of the past four years, were HIS COUPS against Donald Trump. Democrats diverted resources in the impeachment which was a sham, and this is when the Coronavirus erupted.

Barack Obama is the same mouthy wetback he was when he snuck back into America, and this not so fresh off the back Marxist, is guilty in this crimes against humanity. It is time that he blame and legal responsibility be branded in an indictment for Birther Hussein's image, and thee American People in federal court, receive Justice in guilty judgments against Barack Hussein Obama.

This Din Do moved to replace Blacks in America with Mexicans. This Din Do brought in MS 13 to wipe out the Black drug trade in America for bigger profits. This Din Do has slaughtered more Blacks than the KKK ever did and this Din Do is killing Blacks with Coronavirus, as much as the rest of America, and is endangering President Trump and thee American Government as Coronavirus is all over the White House.

We know what Obama would have done, as North Korea has nuclear missiles aimed at America, Iran is funding terrorism with Obama bribes, China got the bioweapons from Obama funding and Obama's trolls have been spreading Coronavirus across America.

It is time to arrest this Barack Hussein Obama's image for the Typhoid Obama it is.

Nuff Said

