As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is seldom I read an analysis which I can not add to, but Caroline Glick, of Israel Hayom, produced an in depth examination of John Bolton in the release of his treacherous and bizarre book of his associations with the President.
I had hoped that John Bolton had the stuff to challenge Donald Trump and receive the GOP nomination due to the President abandoning MAGA, but Bolton has proved a Congressional cock tease and pulpiness in pulp fiction with his reminiscence of serving in the Trump White House.
Caroline Glick is correct in her pro Jewish assessment of the Trump vision for the world, which is a foreign policy. Foreign policy for this President has come easier than domestic policy, one he emancipated himself from Herbert McMaster, John Kelly and the other jumbled thoughts like Mike Pompeo who had America bombing Syria after Ivanka cried.
Donald Trump is focused upon economic power, the Calvin Coolidge maxim of "America's business is business".
John Bolton has always been of the group of Neocons who are reformed communist Jews. Their entire episodic fixation is on breaking things like Obama and then gluing things together to watch it fall apart, like Obama. No wonder Obama and Bush cuddle to well together now.
I was all for trying the Bush Doctrine of breaking things and creating these Muslim democracies, but those people have proven they can not govern themselves and will only vote for terrorists. Trying to do something else with Muslims is like Obama communist communist organizing them, in more of that did not work either.
John Bolton has points, but points are not a policy. No more than tearing down Donald Trump is an American policy, but is the kind of policy which you get from globalists like Obama, Bush, and the comrades in London and Paris, assisted by Putin and Xi. Bolton claims Trump should be a one term President, but then says he is not voting for Joe Biden, so that means that John Bolton is the 3rd testicle of #NeverTrumper Bill Kristol, which means Jerome Corsi was right that there is a group moving in July to deny Donald Trump the nomination at the RNC or to remove Donald Trump by the 25th Amendment. That is what is behind these Carl Bernstein weirdo reports of, "Donald Trump's Friends Believe He Is Out of Control."
It is all part of this move against the President, an et tu Brute' of the same Bill Kristol and those other idiots from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord who tried to get Hamrod Clinton elected.
The worst of this is, John Bolton has become part of what Webster Griffin Tarpley stated would happen in the GOP would become a 3rd rate party. How can the GOP stand when "conservatives" like Bolton are the antagonists against a sitting President and his voters will have nothing to do with Bolton's right wing mindset. The damage John Bolton is engaged in is not what makes one presidential, but are the things which make one a pest.
There is only one reality which requires answering, and that reality is the world is plunging toward global war, after the fiasco policies of Bush41, Clinton, Bush43 and Obama. The world was deliberately destabilized in undermining the foundations of the United States, and promoting conglomeratism allied to Asian slave labor in the central point of China.
Weakening Donald Trump, with China on the brink and Russia struggling, brings about the reality of nuclear 9 11's. The United States is already in a biological war with the world, and that reality leaves open the next phases of more direct warfare and the chances of nuclear terrorism inside the United States.
John Bolton promoting the keeping of Donald Trump's promises in MAGA was a winner. John Bolton posturing the mantra of Donald Trump endangers the world, is a loser and America will be the biggest loser as this group of subversives of the elite are bringing about a chain reaction war of greater WMD measures.
HW Bush built China. Clinton shipped the jobs there. W Bush allowed China to dominate and America to waste resources in Muslim wars, and Obama built a biological weapon's lab in Wuhan China. Those are the realities and John Bolton was there for 8 years of this disaster.
The Jews in Netanyahu are backing Donald Trump not for peace, but for war. The strategic points in this in dealing with Russia are now China and Iran. In order to deal with Russia, in America's weakened state, the United States must Patton China in holding China's nose in the China Sea while kicking China in the ass in Iran. Collapse China, and one deters Russia.
This is now what will become Trump Doctrine, due to the failed policies which John Bolton had taken part in, in previous regimes. John Bolton had promise under Donald Trump or as a contender for MAGA, but now he is just a pulp assassin, whose actions are advancing a war against the United States, for a war against Donald Trump is one and the same now.
This is motion now and those reading this are not going to like the results of what anti Trumpism will bring to America or the world.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said