As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well it is June, and I did not make it back to town for my cold frame doors from the junk yard, due to the coof. Same with my seeds were old on the one chard variety I will only eat, and only 4 plants came up late, and then the lettuce did not appear, so the veggie pile around here was a bit limited to running out, to not having any, so I decided it was just enough heat that the weeds grew and we would have a meal of them.
Yes eating weeds, as I have mentioned I eat weeds. Milk weed.....no pods yet. Horse nettle, a great deal of work, and the best weed in the world Lambsquarter.
The thing is with lambsquarter is, I never know where it is going to grow as it moves from year to year. Some years the cow lot has piles of it, and sometimes I find it growing somewhere else, but this year I had a patch about 4 by 8 feet in the garden, so I hoed two strips and it got about 5 inches high, enough to pick two servings and that is what we had for supper with scalloped potatoes.
This is my recipe, even if it sounds Southern, but TL like everyone one else, lights up and says, "I like this better than spinach".
That is the thing about lambsquarter is it smells like spinach, but it is very mild. You just pick the leaves, and was them.
I call it wet weed as the plants always seem wet, and as they get old have a silver dust on them........I wash them though, but once the plants get to 4 feet, you get lots of greens, with a slight tannin on the teeth things going on.
For example, 3.5 ounces of raw lambsquarter, which is about 1 cup of greens, contains 73 percent vitamin A and 96 percent vitamin C of your recommended daily allowances suggested by the USDA.
I guess you can eat it raw too, but you will notice this weed leaves spinach in the dust for nutrition.
How I cook mine is I add a half teaspoon of beef bullion, one slice of raw onion, and boil it up.
Little salt and some butter on top, and it is one of the best vegetables God ever created.
I have no idea why people do not eat the stuff. Billy Dixon the Buffalo Hunter would boil up a pot with the boys and shit like a goose, but people of the Germanic slant never seemed to get into it, and the Germans did all sorts of shitty things like hot potato salad, corncob jelly and....that is about it, but they never were into eating weeds as they always gardened with all the lowland veggies which never grew well in thee American West.
I see they say you can eat dandelions, but really young, as the ones I tried were bitter and I never went back for that fun.
They got some weird ass weeds in that link. Have some that look like them but I ain't trying them as I am not going to die from eating the wrong weed.5 Weeds That are Actually Super Foods - MIgardener
The plant is extremely high in Omega fatty acids, so high in fact that it has the highest amount of Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acid amount by weight of any green ON EARTH. Just 1 cup of raw purslane contains 44% the daily value of Vitamin A, and 35% vitamin C, 25% iron, 17% magnesium, and 12.5% copper.
Here is the actual dope on Lambsquarter, it really is miracle plant of nutrition
Just 100 grams of the leaves (about that of a normal serving of salad) contains 16% dietary fiber, 133% daily value of Vitamin C, 232% Vitamin A, 31% Calcium, 26% riboflavin, and 13% potassium. Not to mention 310 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids
So the coof deprived me of store bought veggies as the cold did, but God's weed patch once again provided us with a meal which is without equal. The thing I like about lambsquarters is cooked, it is better than spinach, it grows in a drought, it is alive when spinach is bolted and dead and the plants get bigger than you are.
Something to remember. I would say most farms have this weed, but the jackass rich bastards now in the country a spraying the hell out of everything and got green grass mowed to the bone and you can't even scent the smell of shit in the wind as no animals are ruining the sod, souring the ground so the weeds can grow.
Good thing the old pig sty prevailed this year in the coof, as this patch is going to feed us all summer.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said