Thursday, June 4, 2020


Obama ANTIFA has destroyed this man's life, reputation, career and marriage.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hennepin County medical examiner has released documented information that George Floyd tested positive for the Coronavirus.

George Floyd had coronavirus and died after cardiac arrest, police report claims

An autopsy report has been released confirming George Floyd died from a cardiac arrest which was complicated by "law enforcement subdual."
The report, released by Hennepin County also adds George, 46, tested positive for coronavirus.

George Floyd, not only had illegal drugs in his system, chronic heart failure, but a plague which has been killing thousands of people across the world by CORONAVIRUS HEART ATTACK, even if Rush Limbaugh says it ain't so.

George Floyd complained he could not breathe. It was not Derek Chauvin, but Coronavirus causing low oxygen levels in Floyd's blood.

This medical finding places an entirely different reality on George Floyd the porn star, in the cause of death was Coronavirus, narcotics and Floyd's precondition of a bad heart. It was not Derek Chauvin as George Floyd as this blog has reported was dead standing on his feet. He would have died in an hour, a day or a week, but Coronavirus would have killed him.
This is not the charge of murder. These metro cops were thugs, but being a thug does not make one a murderer, it makes you a thug and Coronavirus the murderer.

If you want the real murderers of George Floyd, it is Barack Hussein Obama who built the weapon's lab in Wuhan China, Justin Trudeau of Canada who let the PLA steal the germ, the Bush family which made China a superpower and the Coronavirus.

Exclusive: Coronavirus began 'as an accident' in Chinese lab, says former MI6 boss

Sir Richard Dearlove of MI6 has gone on record stating his virus came out of Obama's weapon lab in Wuhan, and not out of a bat's ass as Ann Coulter smeared Conservatives over.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time to free Derek Chauvin and the other metro police, as Coronavirus was the killer, not the thugs in uniform.


