Thursday, June 4, 2020

Boogaloo has entered the Building

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a report that in the Wisconsin riots tonight, a new feature appeared in protesters in Hawaiian shirts. They are open carrying weapons and stated to protect the Blacks from the police.
The Boogaloo Boys have arrived.

I have posted on this previously, but for those who do not remember, Boogaloo is the catch word for RACE WAR IN AMERICA. These Blacks have no idea what they have been steered into. ANTIFA is making them criminals and now the Boogaloo Boys have entered the mix.
The ADL lists all of these groups as wanting race war, even the leftist groups.

Just an alert in something is being coordinated in this. Obama is running the terrorists on the left with George W Bush cheering the image on like a worshiping chimp. The FBI is not cracking down, and two major political martial factions have just lit the Black fuse. The inside wants this and that means this is a large event.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Ringo Starr finally is an ADL Posterboy for American Race War

Nuff Said
