Monday, June 1, 2020

For the Viking

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I can not say this better myself, I post this for the Viking.

Dear LC, please tell the Viking I am praying for Jesus to protect him and his family during this violence. They are brave to endure it.  I don't have much clout with heaven, but they are on my prayer list now.

One last thing. Sometimes after a bit of exercising my BP drops to around 80/50. I feel a bit weak when it happens. During my cardiac rehab last year they taught me to drink a full glass of water and wait a few minutes. My BP would come up to about 100/60. Guess I was a little dehydrated. Not saying this is the cause of the Vikings low BP but just wanted him to know. 

Jesus bless you and TL. 


Drink some water Norseman, as it is not just for floating boats.
