Monday, June 1, 2020

It is too hot for this

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This note:

I think you have the ratio of Shia vs Sunni backwars:
The differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims
Between 10% and 13% are Shia Muslims, and 87% to 90% are Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims are also present in more countries and regions throughout the world, whereas most of Shia Muslims live in four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India, and Iraq.  Oct 4, 2015

This reality.

The one million Shia rule in Indonesia, while the Sunni are the rag pickers.

This is the Obama reality.

Obama is Shia. He expanded the Iranian nuclear arsenal for purpose. Indonesia provides numbers and oil. Pakistan is the nuclear check of the Khyber. It is a Shia world for Obama Asia.

I do not mean to be impolite, but I do not need a fact checker as I am not paid CIA troll wages.

Nuff Said

