Tuesday, June 2, 2020

From the Viking to Debbie

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now to Debbie; I swore she has done this for me previously, but a search with her name produced nothing like it. What a sweetheart she is though to be moved to write what she did. Thank You, Debbie. And I do drink more water than I like, but I’ll take the advice as it is delivered so perfectly, as always:  “Drink some water Norseman, as it is not just for floating boats.” I get such a kick out of you!
Except of course, when you do stuff like this:  “I can't post the reason, so you figure it out.” Did like the Sandburg, but when are the slow-witted, such as myself, going to ever know what you meant? Not that you should endanger yourself, come to think of it, and don’t mean to imply you should. It’s just frustrating…

May The Lord Jesus Bless us and Keep us, (even though He is always still doing that!)
The Viking

Yes Debbie is a sweetheart, we are all unanimous in that.

.........and you children are not dimwitted, you should know by now it is directed at the people who need the lecture. If it gets to the boiling point, I will warn you.

God's Love.
