Tuesday, June 2, 2020

In this time of racial unrest, George Clooney speaks Moron

I think I'm smart, therefore I am....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a number of pet peeves, it is why I leave so many mistakes on this blog, so asstards will jump on them and I can study how stupid they are in thinking how brilliant they are.

Two words which irk me in misuse are DECIMATED, which does not mean eliminated, but only 10 percent is wiped out. Yet I see college boys non stop misusing that word.

The other is of late, in the perfect example of the Rat Pack Wanna Be, George Clooney who really thinks he is intelligent, weighing in on Obama's race riots over Geor

ge Floyd or Floyd George with this bit of brilliance in trying to act like a Kennedy in turning a phrase.

For those who are ignorant, the words are PANDEMIC and EPIDEMIC. Here is Pandemic with the emphasis on the PAN which means widespread.

An epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughout the world

See an epidemic is like Ebola which infects people in the Congo, because it is rich with resources other people want., while a pandemic is the Coronavirus being spread across the world, affecting numbers of people.

You can have a Pan Arab world, which is what Nassar and Khadaffi wanted before they were murdered. It just means an Arab world from Morrocco to Iraq and calling them all Arabs. All kinds of things can be widespread, except when it comes to the intelligence of liberals like the cunt tease George Clooney, then the only thing widespread is the lack of anything between the vacuous Bruce Chilton space between his ears.

In order for there to be an American pandemic of racism, most of the nations in the world, would have to be taking a knee on the Negroid from Sidney to London, and killing them. That would be termed a pan genocide, unless of course you are a Jew, then you steal a Vatican word in holocaust and make it into the fiction that 6 million of your poor kind died, as you were sipping wine with the Nazis in selling out your own people, to save your Ashkenaz ass.

As the world is not trying to wipe out Blacks, there is not a Pan racism against the Negroid. Granted by the numbers of Protestants left to be murdered in the United States and around the world by Bush fam, the Clintons and Obama, there certainly is an institutionalized CHRISTOPHOBE led by the Rob Reiner types promoting hatred against Christians.

In any case, George Clooney has again been exposed for the absolute nimwit he is. Even Alec Baldwin would not say anything this dense as Baldwin thinks things through, except portraying Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live.

So this ends with the reality that George Clooney is shit for brains.

Nuff Said

