Sunday, June 7, 2020

It was the best of heart attacks - It was the worst of homicides

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 This is what George W. Bush is cheering.

George W. Bush Cheers Protests as Sign of ‘Strength’

This is the George Floyd who George W. Bush is standing in solidarity with, along with Barack Hussein Obama.

Note - The autopsy found Floyd suffered cardiopulmonary
arrest while being restrained by police and that he had
arteriosclerotic and serious hypertensive heart disease,
fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use.

This kind of anti Christian Minnesota resident and this is the honor given to him

SF's Grace Cathedral projects George Floyd memorial image   sfgate

Floyd George was a porn star, violating God's Commandments, and these blasphemous Californians are desecrating the Name of Christ and all Christianity, in putting this unrepentant sinner on a place of worship.

Then there is the law abiding, retired police Captain David Dorn, murdered in St. Louis, because Bush, Clinton and Obama policies destroyed the American Dream for most Blacks, but some Blacks alike David Dorn, rose above those big money rape challenges, and became a police officer.

Dorn, 77, was a retired St. Louis police captain. The other night, as violence raged in St. Louis, Dorn was alerted to an alarm at a friend’s pawnshop.

He did what law enforcement officers are expected to do. Dorn answered the call. He tried to stop a gang of looters. The details are incomplete, but we do know he was shot to death.
And there is video.
He’s stretched out on the sidewalk. The looters rolled in and out, taking what they could grab. Someone recorded a video as he lay there. It was broadcast on Facebook.
The video is 13 minutes long. It is a horrible thing to see. A younger man speaks encouraging words to the older man as he lay dying.
“Oh cuz, come on, OG … Come on, OG. Oh my God, cuz,” says the younger man. “For a TV? They killed this old man for some TVs? … c’mon, man, that’s somebody’s granddaddy.”

Barack Hussein Obama did not say one word about David Dorn. George W. Bush did not say on word about David Dorn. Blacks did not hold vigils for David Dorn. Instead, ANTIFA Soyboys and Blacks, answered the political call of Obama and Bush, and murdered an old Black man and left him to lay on the street,  like LaVoy Finnicum was left to bleed out on the snow in Oregon.

The Minneapolis police, now charged with the murder of Floyd, at least has the respect to transport George Floyd in an ambulance and not leave him rot on the street. The Niggers of St. Louis left one of their own to die, but then David Dorn is not one of the Black community's own, nor is he a Barack Obama or George Bush plantation Nigger, because David Dorn was a responsible American.

America is a place where Obama calls out Niggers with white ANTIFA masters to "worry" those in power and George W. Bush praises the Niggers who murder Americans like David Dorn, and the numbers of other police who have been assaulted and murdered in the Obama Intifada.

This is  reprehensible. This is disgusting. This is beneath Americans.

George Floyd died of a heart attack. David Dorn was MURDERED by Niggers over a television.
