Sunday, June 7, 2020

The little Coronavirus that Could

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this poor orphan has warned of the Coronavirus that there are surprises in it yet to come, German microbiologists have been studying what Coronavirus Wuhan does to human heart tissue, as yes Rush Limbaugh, heart attacks from Coronavirus are killing numbers of people.

What the Germans have discovered, but have no idea what is taking place follows.

Since the earliest days of the coronavirus outbreak in China, the scientists know that the coronavirus damages not only lung cells, but it can also infiltrate certain bodies in other body tissues, including mucous membranes of nose, esophagus, blood vessels and heart, as well as other organs.
This feature of the virus, scientists say, might explain why many COVID-19 patients suffer not only from respiratory issues, but also lose the sense of smell, have digestion issues and problems with cardiovascular system.

What the Germans found is that by infecting heart cells with Coronavirus, that the virus somehow is able to infect tissues and cells, it should not be able to infect. In "normal" infections with Corona, what the virus needs is the  TMPRSS2 enzyme, which in simple terms is an amino acid which Coronaviruses like the flu attack as in the ACE2 in the lungs.

Transmembrane protease, serine 2 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the TMPRSS2 gene

This gene encodes a protein that belongs to the serine protease family. The encoded protein contains a type II transmembrane domain, a receptor class A domain, a scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain and a protease domain. Serine proteases are known to be involved in many physiological and pathological processes

The problem is the Germans found that heart cells do not have the  TMPRSS2, but Coronavirus Wuhan as a biological weapon is still able to infect and kill the cells. This is what is giving people heart attacks. This biological weapon has affected other organs in brain and kidney, in some cases, it lives there and breeds there, as much as reports this virus lives in testicles and destroys their functions.
It should not be able to do this, and yet as this is a biological weapon, it has been engineered to do this.

According to Dimmelel, the scientists have been long interested in whether the coronavirus causes heart disruptions directly, by infecting the heart muscle cells, or indirectly, causing inflammation and other disruption in the body, which negatively affect the work of cardiomyocytes.
They tested both hypotheses by attempting to infect both individual heart cells and artificially grown heart muscle tissue specimen with two different strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Previously, many biologists doubted that the virus can efficiently procreate in them, because cardiomyocytes do not produce the TMPRSS2 enzyme, which is critically important for the SARS-CoV-2.
The experiments by Dimmeler and her team have shown that the virus can circumvent such problems and use some other, yet unknown to the scientists, biomolecules of the heart muscle cells to perform the same functions. Both strains successfully infiltrated all three heart muscle cell cultures used in the experiment, causing their mass death and disruption.
Such experiments, the scientists say, indicate that the virus directly damages the heart tissue, which must be taken into account during both treatment of COVID-19 carriers and researching of long-term consequences of coronavirus spread among the population.

To back build this, numbers of serums for Coronavirus are based in the 1237 protein sequence to neutralize the biological weapon. The problem in this is, Coronavirus has shown the ability to infect tissue it should not be able to. This virus loves Type A blood and the hosts there, but deep in this virus is something which is beyond spike proteins. Inspiration tells me, this is the same spirochete bacteria, the notorious corkscrew of syphilis and another bioweapon in Lyme, which is part of this Coronavirus Wuhan. This virus is not what is infecting people entirely. The indications are it is the bacteria which is gaining entry and forming the bonding platform, almost like a cancer in living without oxygen, but in it's bacteria's acidic brine.

The Russians are working on a yogurt protein, which is based on this very design as their serum.

"The gene that codes the coronavirus’s S-protein is a target for cloning. As a result, the gene is introduced to the area that codes probiotic bacteria pili, creating a bacterium with an immunogenic viral protein on its surface. Such a vaccine could be administered as a dairy product. This vaccine currently undergoes pre-clinical testing,"

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. This virus is one of constant wonderment in all that was engineered into it.

Nuff Said
