Saturday, June 13, 2020

Ivanka Trump a Comforting Leadership in times of Obama Intifdada

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

America should be rightfully proud as Presidential Advisor, Mother, Wife, Daughter and future President, Ivanka Trump Kushner, bravely, among the men of war and justice walked the streets of DC to pay homage to the Christian St. Johns which the Obama Intifada terrorists attempted to burn down.

Over 150 Secret Service Agents and Police were injured protecting the nation's Capital, and with her head held high, Ivanka walked courageously into the community organized communists of international paid terrorists, without flinching.

The fear in SecDef Esper's face is apparent as was Chief of Staff Milley, but Ivanka, following the footsteps of her father, the President, showed the world that she has the right stuff.

It was of deference that this Jewish Orthodox woman, paid homage to the firing of a Christian Church,  fearless, dauntless and lionhearted, for America was burning, people were being beaten and murdered, and instead of remaining safe behind the walls of protection, Ivanka Trump with her husband at her side, marched with the warriors who were afraid.

This is the stuff of Presidential Leadership. Consider Joe Biden, alone, holed up, and secretly zooming with other plotters in the states, hidden away in his basement, where the only contact he has with life are 2 bodyguards who have contact with him.
It must be so very crestfallen to be a Secret Service Agent and forced to monitor Joe Biden, like a plastic plant in a greenhouse, as it neither grows nor blooms. It's time on earth is measured by the dust covered leaves. Compare that to the exhilaration of being a White House Agent, and being inspired by the President, the Attorney General, and Ivanka Trump. To know that you were injured in defending these people in the White House, and to see them join you on the front lines, in saying a resounding no to anarchy and a forever affirmation to the rule of law, must make anyone in law enforcement come alive with enthusiasm to be around a President and future President in Ivanka Trump.

In the face of absolute terror danger, here is a woman poised, self assured and undaunted. Ivanka is the leader who walks before her troops on the line, and as they call out to her to stay down, she replies, that at times like these, a commander must show their courage to inspire the people they depend upon.

Has there ever been such a woman as here, braving assassin bullets, IED's, the terror mobs? Hillary Clinton was hiding. Nancy Pelosi could not get up from kneeling. Only Kamala Harris was in the streets and she had gone over to the anti American terrorists, who were attacking the Secret Service and the Police.

Gone are the photo ops of Ivanka Trump, serving donuts to the Secret Service. In her maturation as a leader, she is now the quiet force, who shows by example in the most difficult of upheaval. Like her father, who has shown his best as a pandemic President, Ivanka Trump has shown the virtue of her being in being like the Statue of Liberty, shining brightly the light of American resilience in the face of all that which would tear down the foundations which God laid and His people have built.

It is most comforting to have this kind of leader, an example of her father, and an example of the strength of the best of women from Deborah in the Bible to Margaret Thatcher, in Ronald Reagan's best ally. Yes Ivanka Trump has shown she has the right stuff, and in that she joins the finest of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, William McKinnley, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan, as Americans finest leaders and greatest Presidents.

Nuff Said
