Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Thread

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have noticed that a percentage of Americans are being "gotten too" over this Obama Intifada in terrorizing America. As liberal local and state regimes are supporting this, and as the FBI and BATFE was not trusted to protect Washington DC, this is a large Soros group funded insurrection in the United States.

I have though as before Homeland was dispatched here by the FBI to silence this blog, have counseled all of you to not react to any of this or you will get yourself into trouble. The last thing you want is to be on an FBI list.

CNN Contributor: Statues of Washington, Jefferson Should Be Taken Down   max 

Christopher Columbus Statue In Boston’s North End Beheaded – CBS Boston   cbslocal

People express that they do not know what is going on. They are frustrated, and yet that is WHAT A PSYOPS or PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION IS ABOUT. Psyops are meant to confuse and demoralize, breed frustration and anger, and the response will be a select few who will be cracked down upon as examples to make the population submit.

This is nothing to be involved in, as your families are your priorities, so you pay your taxes, work when you can, and you do not say things which expose a trail to you of which stage of anxiety you are manifesting. LET IT GO. That is why you are counseled to look to Christ's return and to not be manipulated by things which you can not do anything about anyway.
So what if a liberal enclave is beheading Christopher Columbus. It is not your problem that communists are allowed to annex parts of Seattle. You don't live in Boston or Seattle, and if you are in Minneapolis, you are not in the Nigger zones burning down, so stay out of the Nigger zones as you do not want the coof anyway.
The first rule in obeying the law is to not be in areas where law enforcement is enforcing the law. You just be as my beloved Uncle said, "A stupid farmer as no one pays attention to stupid farmers'. If it is not a farmer you are dressing the part as, then you are in construction a dolt laborer, sending a message by dress, that you are not someone to rob or waste the time with rampaging over. You decrease the odds of getting into trouble 1000 percent if you stay home, and are not posting stuff that the artificial intelligence which sorts everything in phone calls and internet into categories which get you placed on watch lists.

In physics and geometry all things, ALL THINGS, have a life chain form. I explain this by a mountain gets too big and gravity pulls it down, a star gets too big it collapses on itself. Coronavirus is collapsing on this thinking virus. This Obama Intifada has a life cycle just as the attacking of Confederate history. Niggers and Antifa can only go so long, before they get tired of raising hell. There is only so much evil a person can generate before they stop. Ted Bundy could not go 24 / 7, so understand there is a season on this and as season which will end.

There are more things coming which are worse. As things have a life cycle in Antifa, these anti societal misbehaviors build to greater confluences. What is awaiting in this is the real dragon in the den and that is the Great Eurasian War.
There are numbers of things coming which will lead to this war, but they are part of this self destruction of people who are upset they were not aborted birth. They are now aborting the world as paid trolls.

Take the example of Ukraine and the Baltic States in 1941. The peoples there, could do absolutely nothing but suffer and die, at the hands of Communist Jews, backed by Moscow and Stalin. When the Germans arrived, the Germans executed all of these despots and the people cheered the Germans.

Do the Mexicans hate the Blacks? Sure they do, and the Blacks hate the Mexicans. They are covering Chicago with blood as many areas are in violent murderous attacks over the dope trade. What you need to understand is, as law enforcement rolls back by order, these groups are going to be in their own death struggle inside America. When the great war comes, do you think the Russians or PLA Chinese are going to trust a bunch of greasy Obama paid traitors or are they going to bash their skulls in as the Soviets did in the Slavic lands and Poland when they arrived?

That is the reason as a Protestant Christian you do not get upset over what is taking place, as you have Christ, and should know enough of history, that antagonist groups are allowed to butcher each other and that when the organized military arrives they weed out the people who caused the problems.

Invaders need farmers, people who show up for work, people who make things. Vichy France is an example, as invading armies still have to eat and drink and they do not have enough people to occupy the lands of the natives. Again, look at Rhodesia, South Africa and Kenya, in the communists destroyed themselves in replacing White farmers with the Negroid, who was ignorant and shiftless.

So you are not that weak or vulnerable as you think, providing you have Jesus, are intelligent enough to not be led around like a PMS emotional woman, and have a skill for society.

Here are some things which you do not do online.

You do not post things about redecorating your bedroom with guns.

You do not post that you have 5 sides of beef in your freezers.

You do not post that you have been pushed to your limits.

You do not advocate violence.

You do not visit sites which are going to red flag you, like gun rally sites, which are put there just like pedo sites by the FBI to see who will come and leave their ISP number so they can track you. They have spent trillions on these tracking schemes and everyone is tracked.
If you want to blow off steam or say something, leave your cell phone in the house, and go for a walk in the country.
You do not want the tracking of you that I have in bringing this blog to you, so all the rich can neglect to donate as I save you from yourselves daily.

Your life is you do not know a blessed thing, except for how much you love the IRS and paying taxes, and you do not know a damned thing, because you are the ignorant fool.

Mass graves are full of the geniuses who could not keep their mouths shut.

I realize you need to chatter like chimps, but that is what this blog serves for, it does the talking, lets you know that you are not alone, so you go be peaceful and do something constructive like gardening.

This Obama Intifada is only affecting about .2% of the population in making them frustrated. It does though explain what those Michigan protests were all about, and the opening of America in Corona was no longer a threat, as they knew the Intifada was coming, and wanted those ANTIFA controls to have Afroids to inspire to riot, who are paid or part of the criminal enterprise serving the liberal establishment.

This is all a stepping stone to Christ's return, the beginning of sorrows. Move to tomorrow, and let the festering sore of today consume itself, as it will.

May the Peace of Christ be in the Good of you, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

Nuff Said
