Sunday, June 14, 2020

Something Fishy in Peking's Neo Coronavirus Outbreak

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is Edward Lansdale comedic psyops perfection in the a new Coronavirus outbreak has taken place in Peking, locking the city down.

The comedic part in this is, Peking lied to the world in spreading a false story that a butcher shop in Wuhan dealing in bat ass delicacies, which Ann Coulter really bites on hard, was the source of this biological was not, as this was two staged accidents in two Wuhan biological weapon's labs.

The new source in Peking is a butcher market, the largest in the world, a city where the PLA has begun targeting Taiwan for invasion, and the source this time is salmon. 

Salmon has also been pulled from grocery stores both in Beijing and nationwide after salmon cutting boards at the market reportedly tested positive for the virus.

I am not going to mince words in this or take time, as we are in a biological world war and the counterstrike of Peking's aggression in spreading the virus to the world from the original Mirror virus, is the heart of the rich Chinese food supply.

We now know that Taiwan has been experimenting along with the UK in knowing that Coronavirus will live in fish slime, which covers salmon. Someone sprayed a load of Chinese salmon and infected an entire food batch. As stated, there is too much comedy in this, too much Lansdale, in this was a western intelligence influenced operation for the children of Singlaub in Taiwan.

The Chicoms produced the lie and spread the virus with WHO cover, and now the biggest slaughter market in China, just began spreading Coronavirus again to the Chicom elite, via salmon which had been sprayed with this biological weapon.
We know it was on the fish, because it was on the cutting boards. Yes this could have been injected into the Salmon's guts, but that would take too long to accomplish with thousands of fish. It would make more sense to cover them with a Corona slime and send them out. That kind of thinking is Western in "they chose this lie so let us give them this truth", and the people who would be behind this, are the same Taiwan linked conglomerates who spread the virus in Colorado and had access to Wuhan to introduce and produce the first release, along with taking blood and feces samples for future courses.

So we have a world with this scenario.

China was producing a first strike biological weapon against the United States.

That virus was replaced from a private US lab cache with the Mirror and the Innoculant.

The PLA spread this to the world.

The PLA then began more aggressive operations in preparing for world war in stockpiling oil and food.

The counterstrike has appeared again, this time telling the Chicoms that the food supply will be infected unless they pay up and stop being aggressive.

This is the world which we now have.

Peking has been caught lying about Coronavirus in infections and deaths by Washington and Ohio State Universities, in Peking's own data.

By late January, Wuhan’s hospitals were already reportedly under severe strain. They offered 90,000 beds. Another 100,000 beds were activated in hotels and schools. Yet Beijing’s figures reported only 33,000 COVID-19 cases.
By March 23, 42,600 doctors and healthcare workers had been rushed to Wuhan from other provinces to support the 90,000 already there. But Beijing reported only 50,000 cases.

Based on such sources, the researchers argue the total number of infections and fatalities before February was at least ten times that of the official figure announced by Beijing.

But by January 25, these crematoriums were operating at six times their regulated rate.
They were burning 24-hours-a-day.
The report estimates the usual funeral figure for a city of nine million people would be about 136 a day. Escalating operations by up to six times enables about 816 daily cremations. With mobile crematories known to be in action, the peak daily figure could have been as high as 2100.

The study says that, based on its inferred data, China may have had anywhere between 305,000 and 1.27 million COVID-19 cases by February 7. The number of dead, it finds, was likely already about 6800 to 7200.
China's death rate would average 4 times what the US death rate is, due to China having 4 times the people. Those are the facts of the data, and why once again China is in a panic, because they realize that someone just sent a message about contaminating the elite's meat supply, just like the PLA contaminated the US meat supply by Mexican plague carriers.

See we are in a biological world war, and the salmon of Peking reveal so much more, as another retaliatory strike has been initiated, aimed at the rich communist party elite, who were behind this global domination.

Chicom domestic fish production has just been attacked and without this China will have to initiate world war or pay the trillions she owes over their biological weapon.

You learn more here than jacking off to porn or listening to Tucker Carlson or Wolfe Blitzer.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
