Friday, June 5, 2020

The Mass Tagging and Tracking of Americans is Rockefeller Coronavirus Policy

For each test, “a fair market reimbursement (e.g. $100) for all Covid-19 assays” is expected. Thus, billions of dollars a month of public money will be needed.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the above Rockefeller money funneling your money from private to corporate accounts, at 100 dollars per person, the testing is gearing to 30 million Americans per week, or 3 billion dollars per week, or 156 billion dollars a year for absolutely nothing, but payments to the pharm industry, who in revolving door put their people into the government or into the universities which are behind this Rockefeller tagging all of you.

The Rockefellers at 30 million Americans per week, will in two and a half months have every American DNA catalogued, and by that, will be authorized to track, incarcerate or force every American to do what these regulations order.

With a data base as large as this, and with genetic markers of predispositions of cancer to whatever, people would be denied insurance or told "they are not viable for treatment due to genetic projections.

These tests are absolutely worthless, and I will explain how.

You are in the first group which is tested, and it comes up negative. Negative or false negatives proven nothing, until the virus may produce antibodies which has been the case time and again. The incubation period is 5 days to 40 days for the virus, so there is not any good in your being in the first group and cleared, when it will take 10 weeks to get around to you again. All the test proves is you were not sick when the test was given.

Take for example the diseased Mexican in Sioux Falls South Dakota. At last count, one plague carrying Mexican had infected over 3000 people and the cases are still growing. 1 person in your first test group would be cleared, and 5 days later they may go positive, spread the virus to hundreds of people they work with or contaminate with shit a shopping cart at the grocery as people in South Dakota were killed over, and suddenly a major epidemic spread is creating a hot spot and the tests literally said the area and group were clean.

As you will notice two of the most nefarious groups are behind this tagging of you in Rockefeller and the Atlantic Council. These two treacherous groups were the strings behind the coup and impeachment against Donald Trump.

For all the George Soros ANTIFA terrorism, the police state arm of Rockefeller and Atlantic is about to be deployed by Homeland and the US military for forced testing, tracking and injections.
Katherine Austin Fitts, has posted on these fake vaccines and their dangers. If you read her notable work, you will find she said in May of this year in the very same verbiage thee exact same things this blog has been publishing.

The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

This blog has projected that the ANTIFA riots, move the US military to frontline positions for the summer inside America, and in viewing Americans as the enemy, will be the force joined with Homeland in September to begin forced geezer vaccines, for their taking Medicare money and living in nursing homes, and this will project out to more population groups, including the military and medical, and of course children will need the coof serum to go to school, and then this moves to ID cards issued and mandatory tracking, as you will not be able to vote, unless you have been tested.

This is the first time the cattle had to pay the slaughterhouse for the honor. America will become a real holocaust zone and not the fictitious one of Jews with only 6 million claimed inmates, but in America it will be 338 million inmates, minus the elite 1% who already have the coof antidote.

This has already moved into Louisville, and so you understand this, this is private, these people have ZERO authority to do what they are involved in, and now promoting. This is against the law, as much as if you showed up in Louisville and started collecting data on people.

The testing solutions group aims to support elected officials in collecting data and feedback to improve testing strategies, enhance testing capabilities, bring in industry experts for policy recommendations and drive collaboration across communities, according to the news release.

This virus is lessening in death tolls, due to the shit strain is not spreading as much, and the inoculation strain is taking over and changing Coroanvirus Wuhan into a non lethal plague, which is why S strain was created as an antidote.
Except for the plague spreading ethnic vermin, the United States is projected to reach thee Italian model of non lethal strains for Caucasians by the end of July. None of these draconian tracking or mandates are necessary. Thee American economy is functioning and the country is secure.

This Rockefeller plan is something to be aware of as is the Gates plan to coof inject all of you by force.
The solution to Coronavirus is not billions of dollars, but millions in the saving people with Chloroquine, zinc and antibiotics.

Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine Should Be 'Widely Available And Promoted Immediately' As Standard Treatment

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
