Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Right to Retreat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 In the wake of the Obama Intifada which burned down America, there is one of the most bizarre laws ever, but perfectly reflected of Joe Biden 'Shoot em in the leg copper" police response as in Minnesota, which teaches cops to kneel on necks of people, because Jews offer free security demos to Minnesota cops.......who when they are not out being highway robbers in their State Patrol of penis headed pricks, their legislature passes laws which order people to run away from criminals. In Minnesota you can not defend yourself against a robber, rapist, child molester or murderer, unless you are being attacked in your home.

Yes somehow Minnesota came up with, a homeowner can defend themselves, but if it is business, then the owner must run away.

What the Lame Cherry does not quite get in this Minnesota nice, is ok you have pawn shop like the guy above, and people are in the shop and the place gets attacked, perhaps it is a restaurant, perhaps a movie theater, perhaps it is a sporting event. So a criminal comes in, robbing the place and the owner is ordered to run away...........what the hell are people supposed to do who are customers?

Jerry Rieple, pictured above, was arrested for murder, during the Obama riots in Minneapolis, when he shot a looter outside his store......and when Minneapolis announced they had arrested Rieple,, the Obama looters came back and stole everything in the store and destroyed it.

The Minneapolis government is responsibile for inciting this looting at this man's store, because they told the criminals, no one was there to protect the store.....then again no one was there to protect the store, because Minnesota law orders business owners to run away from criminals.

This is just typical of the ass backwards liberalism which is Minnesota, and again like Joe Biden who thinks cops can shoot legs out of criminals as shooting people is so easy.

5. The Shooting Occurred Amidst a Night of Looting but Police Say Business Owners Have a ‘Duty to Retreat’

The shooting occurred during a night of looting. However, Minnesota’s duty to retreat law could come into play here.
According to Elder, “The castle doctrine says if you’re in your home you have a right to stand your ground. It’s my understanding you do have a duty to retreat. Your business is not the same” as your home.
Keller Law Offices wrote in a post before the Cadillac Pawn incident, “While many states have enacted ‘stand your ground’ laws, Minnesota does not have a so-called stand your ground law. Instead, Minnesota law imposes a ‘duty to retreat,’ which means that if a person feels threatened, he or she may only use deadly force as a last resort. Conversely, states that have enacted stand your ground laws, like Florida, make it lawful for a person to use deadly force if threatened without a duty to retreat.” The law firm noted, “Minnesota follows the majority rule that there is no duty to retreat in one’s home.

Minnesota is a police state. They have thug cops dripping there whose job is to rob people in traffic stops and whose job is to intimidate people, so they will not defend themselves.

But wait, even if you are at home, in Minnesota, you can not defend yourself or your family, because you have to wait for a criminal to break in, stand near enough to you, to murder you, and when that happens, then you can begin defending yourself.

Read the hoops you have to jump through in Minnesota. You literally have to be like Obama put the Soldiers in Afghanistan in jeopardy, in a murderous situation, you have to mentally run through a checklist of if you can defend yourself. The criminal has no list, and can just murder the person without thinking, but the law abiding must calculate just how at risk they are, as they are running away from someone chasing them.

“If the defendant isn’t in their home, Minnesota’s self-defense law requires a ‘duty to retreat’ before using deadly force, but only if retreat is possible and it doesn’t put the person into more danger. Deadly force isn’t authorized (outside of the home) unless there’s a reasonable belief of ‘great bodily harm.'”

The “Justifiable Taking of Life” statute reads, “The intentional taking of the life of another is not authorized by section 609.06, except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which the actor reasonably believes exposes the actor or another to great bodily harm or death, or preventing the commission of a felony in the actor’s place of abode.”

So in Minnesota, you could have pedophiles outside your child's window, taking pictures as they masturbate, with pry bars in hands and weapons in their belt, but you would be the one, who would have to rush in, rescue your child, run away from the rapists, and only if they entered your home, with it proven you were in physical danger, could you shoot them.

Absolutely ludicrous.

If you look at the list of the cities which were torn apart of days, they all have these anti gun and anti citizen laws, which protect criminals and prosecute self defense. Omaha Nebraska was shattered, and they have the same idiot laws as Minnesota.

Here is the main list of cities which were destroyed, most are liberal mayors, but all are states with laws which protect criminals and make it a crime to defend yourself.

Add image Obama, ANTIFA and Blacks and you have carte blanche riots.

D Minneapolis
D Atlanta
D Nashville
D Los Angeles
D Philadelphia
D San Jose
D Cleveland
D Milwaukee
D Madison
D Portland
R Colorado Springs
D Dallas
D Salt Lake City
D Seattle
D Austin
D Houston
R Greenville
D Fayetteville
D Asheville
R Oklahoma City
D New York
R Omaha
D Phoenix
R Scottsdale
In Reno
D Kansas City
D Charleston
R Jacksonville
D Tampa
D Orlando
R San Diego
D Des Moines
R Miami
D Denver
D Columbus
D Detroit
In Las Vegas
D Indianapolis
D Chicago
In San Antonio
D Tucson
D Oakland
D Chattanooga
D St Louis
D Raleigh
D Grand Rapids
D Bemidji
D Dayton
D Louisville
D Cincinnati
D Pittsburgh
D Atlantic City
D Birmingham
D West Palm Beach
D Ft Lauderdale
R Murfreesboro
D Green Bay

Mayor stats

D - 46 cities - 79.31%
R - 09 cities - 15.51%
In - 03 cities - 05.18%

The above is a list of places where Blacks are being pushed out, by Mexicans and Indians. It is why these riots took place, including Washington DC as the politicians instigated and assisted in the terrorism.

The Lame Cherry extols the trolls in these cities and states to fix your states, as the states who do not have these problems do not want you moving there and then voting for more liberal laws to enslave the people to criminals.

This has not been addressed, but this is the heart of what started this. If Target would have opened up and shot the first looters, and scared the politicians to not stir up more trouble, there would not have been any riots, no more deaths and no billions of dollars in damages. President Trump needs to withhold all federal money from states who do not have Right to Defend Laws and Constitutional Carry as if those Constitutional Rights had not been infringed on, there would not have been one criminal action in this Obama Intifada.

Nuff Said
