Friday, June 12, 2020

The Dark Matter of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the immense push that Coronavirus Wuhan or the WHO's pet name of COVID 19 to let the Chicoms off the hook, is not lethal to numbers of people, this poor orphan girl of the Lame Cherry reminds all of you, that this blog stated that as fact from the start of this, as this was a series of biological genetic weapons.

The information coming out now though is what this blog stated, but it is being skewed, in order to plunge the world ahead again.

Just one month ago, the idea that most people aren’t susceptible to Covid-19 — perhaps the overwhelming majority — was considered dangerous denialism. It was startling when Nobel-prize-winning scientist Michael Levitt argued in UnHerd at the start of May that the growth curves of the disease were never truly exponential, suggesting that some sort of “prior immunity” must be kicking in very early.
Today, though, the presence of some level of prior resistance and immunity to Covid-19 is fast becoming accepted scientific fact. Results have just been published of a study suggesting that 40%-60% of people who have not been exposed to coronavirus have resistance at the T-cell level from other similar coronaviruses like the common cold.
Now, from the unlikely source of a prominent member of the “Independent SAGE committee”, the group set up by Sir David King to challenge government scientific advice and accused by some of being populated with Left-wing activists, comes a claim that the true portion of people who are not even susceptible to Covid-19 may be as high as 80%.
Professor Karl Friston, like Michael Levitt, is a statistician not a virologist; his expertise is in understanding complex and dynamic biological processes by representing them in mathematical models.
Within the neuroscience field he was ranked by Science magazine as the most influential in the world, having invented the now standard “statistical parametric mapping” technique for understanding brain imaging — and for the past months he has been applying his particular method of Bayesian analysis, which he calls “dynamic causal modelling”, to the available Covid-19 data.
Friston referred to some kind of “immunological dark matter” as the only plausible explanation for the huge disparity in results between countries in an interview with the Guardian last weekend. The eye-catching phrase attracted a lot of attention on social media, with some commentators keen to dismiss it as rubbish, but he meant it in a quite precise way: like dark matter, the undetectable substance that makes up approximately 85% of the universe, it is provably there by its effects. We just don’t know anything about it.
His models suggest that the stark difference between outcomes in the UK and Germany, for example, is not primarily an effect of different government actions (such as better testing and earlier lockdowns) but is better explained by intrinsic differences between the populations that make the “susceptible population” in Germany — the group that is vulnerable to Covid-19 — much smaller than in the UK.

What this Lame Cherry is about to warn you of, is something I have spoken of and at times deliberately not written of in this thinking virus. This virus as you will remember started out as Arabian SARS, which was constructed by the Jews bioweapon's lab to nullify as Swedish Dr. Germ creation for Iran to kill the Saudi's. It was first tested in Jordan.
The Chicoms stole this from Justin Trudeau's Canada, and were about to unleash a first strike biological weapon on the USA, India and Japan, but other entities discovered the operation and replaced the waterborne Wuhan with their own viruses which began with Mirror and the Inoculation strains.
Mirror was lethal and spread through feces. Inoculation was spread through contact. Inoculation is overtaking the lethal strain, because the lethal strain was deliberately spread in oral ingestion. The first tests were in e cigarrettes in the USA in August 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.

What this blog has refrained from stating and now must be stated is, the group who stopped China have an agenda as do numbers of others in using this virus. I have refrained from publishing details, because I do not want for the group behind this to have to change their tactics in order to prove a point wrong, like infecting a population of Slavics in the United States.
It is about trying to save lives and not making problems for those engaged in the real agenda which none of us could stop so there is no point in bleating about it in the pasture.

This massive push now to define Wuhan as not dangerous to most of the people is ridiculous. Give any Swede or Japanese this lethal feces strain and they will go critical and die from it. 15% of the population gets ill from the inoculation strain. I have stated the "airborne vaccine" which we were kindly administered was nothing mild. I was ill for quite some time and it took 2 weeks before my body was not telling me I was suffocating. Not everyone received this vaccine and the cut off strain so what I experienced was unique, as most are not going to be exposed deliberately to the death strain and are having mild reactions.

So yes there are immunity factors for the mass population of some groups, but the L strain is like a poison, it will kill anyone and everyone.

The warning is to take this serious and not step on the toes of those who keep the gates of the pasture you are locked in. You do not want these indifferent masters of the cloth of the land to decide to make an example or sweep something away. In the Bible it says there is a time to be prudent, and what has come, and what is coming are times to keep your head down and your mouth shut. You do not need to become an expedient pawn as these different houses battle over the world we are in.

It should be enough to chill you, to know that a first strike biological weapon was used, was replaced, Wall Street was crushed and rebuilt, and terrorists were set loose in America, and no one is in prison over any of this, because this is all above and beyond the law.
This is an arena in which you are an ant in, and the lions and tigers and bears, oh my, are thrashing about. I am insignificant and you are insignificant. It is best to stay insignificant.

There are more events coming. I'm not about to get involved in this, will warn those who donated if they are in the harms way, otherwise this storm is something to just pass over in the next years.

The Viking does not like me not answering questions, but ask yourself just why was it that Peking was able to shut this virus down, and yes they were still affected, but why was it that such a cure appeared there for the population, but not one for their shredded economy?

Those are things which can not be written of, but the above proves what this blog stated, and that this virus does piggyback off of other vaccines, but that this plague is not ending, it simply has ceased being spread in some groups and nations.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
