Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Tourists of Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The tourists have arrived at the Lame Cherry's brier patch, once again taking credit for information put together here.

Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything

No it does not explain everything as this is a biological weapon, a Mirror of Coronavirus Wuhan, with tuberculosis and HIV spliced into a Bat SARS platform, which produces iron oxidation in humans, which in cells produces iron overload in iron poisoning. This is most systematic in the inoculation strain, and in the Kawasaki II which is killing children in the United States and United Kingdom.

As I have said this virus or viruses have a number of hidden surprises in them, because they are bioweapons. One surprise is the embedding on blood vessel cells which is making this a heart disease, and for that an organ disease virus. This part would explain why heart damage is taking place, along with brain inflammation, producing psychological disorders of violence in some people due to pressure on the brain, a literal tumor which does not exist, but due to brain lining swelling, causes emotional disorders.

In a paper published in April in the scientific journal The Lancet, Mehra and a team of scientists discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can infect the endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels. Endothelial cells protect the cardiovascular system, and they release proteins that influence everything from blood clotting to the immune response. In the paper, the scientists showed damage to endothelial cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and intestines in people with Covid-19.

All of this centers around furin, and in the Memory Alpha of the Lame Cherry, what these experts were publishing in April, and is now featured in June, some poor orphan girl might have been publishing a bit earlier.

Benhur Lee, MD, a professor of microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, says the difference between SARS and SARS-CoV-2 likely stems from an extra protein each of the viruses requires to activate and spread. Although both viruses dock onto cells through ACE2 receptors, another protein is needed to crack open the virus so its genetic material can get into the infected cell. The additional protein the original SARS virus requires is only present in lung tissue, but the protein for SARS-CoV-2 to activate is present in all cells, especially endothelial cells.
“In SARS1, the protein that’s required to cleave it is likely present only in the lung environment, so that’s where it can replicate. To my knowledge, it doesn’t really go systemic,” Lee says. “[SARS-CoV-2] is cleaved by a protein called furin, and that’s a big danger because furin is present in all our cells, it’s ubiquitous.”

Oh yes, here is the confirmation, Lame Cherry was publishing February 29th, an incredible month and a half before the tourists appeared and this poor orphan girl, not being donated to by the rich, explained better than the Asian experts.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

The bad news is Coronavirus Wuhan and Mirror have mutated and are becoming more user friendly to humans. It all revolves around the protein spikes which a virus has on it's outer membrane. In various SARS there is a FURIN PROTEASE CLEAVAGE, (Yes I would these egg heads would talk English) but translated it means the virus has a protein spike or harpoon which seeks out  FURIN or human proteins.
Whatever this thing started out liking in the animal kingdom, it now has a preference for humans.

This mutation provided 2019-nCoV with a site for Furin protease cleavage, which is all other BB coronaviruses except mouse hepatitis coronavirus ( Including SARS and SARS-like coronavirus). This mutation has the potential to enhance the efficiency of 2019-nCoV infecting cells, which in turn makes it significantly more aggressive than SARS coronavirus. Due to this mutation, the packaging mechanism of 2019 coronavirus will also be different from most other Beta coronaviruses such as SARS, and may be the same as the packaging mechanisms of murine hepatitis coronavirus, HIV, Ebola virus and some avian influenza viruses. As an unexpected discovery, some avian influenza viruses can also obtain Furin protease cleavage sites through mutations. Subsequent research on this important mutation will lay the foundation for revealing the reasons for the strong transmission of 2019-nCoV, as well as for the development of drugs, antibodies and vaccines. 

Furin is the base of what is human in layman's terms in cells. Furin is the is the chef in a cell which cuts things up and makes the pizza.
Yes the Lame Cherry is trying to provide you visuals and understanding so you can comprehend what this is without wasting your life with a PHD in misery.

The last part is what is important for you to remember in furin is the Rosetta Stone in cells. This is the missing link which Dr. Mikovits has indicated is what Coronavirus Wuhan triggers in other virus vaccinations. It activates the viruses through furin and thereby sets off the wide array of symptoms, as other viruses are producing more symptoms such as diarrhea. It is most clever in what this bioweapon uses as cover, while the HIV causes immune system failure, the tb causes lung break down, the one spike protein goes after ACE2 proteins, while another is embedding in the vessel wall cells, all the while the spiro bacteria is living off the oxygen the iron is giving up, and corrupting the cells, which induces iron toxicity in the body.

A respiratory virus infecting blood cells and circulating through the body is virtually unheard of.

Yes because it is a biological lab warfare created weapon by human hands. This was not an accident. This was not petri dish sex of viruses mutating to new strains. This was a deliberate engineered strains of viruses, by geniuses, set off to restore an order to this world, because the Chinese were about to genocide the United States with their first strike biological weapon in 2020 of this year.

As this blog has stated, this virus is so advanced, it is the atomic bomb compared to the cave man club. This information can not be allowed to propagate as every regime in the world now has this doomsday blueprint and can splice in and out anything. The only solution in this is to burn down humanity in greater strategic events, to save humanity from this Babel of united language.
That is logical conclusion and as this virus is thinking, and you are now witnessing what this blog stated would be greater things, as the race riots in America are evidenced of the next step, just remember by God's Grace this blog which wrote the time line that got Donald Trump elected in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, has been proven right every time in what it has posted about this virus.

The best remedy in dealing with this, is not to trust in the serums of more proteins like 1237 adding to the count, but stopping this with Chloroquine and zinc, or Ivomec and Doxycycline. The mineral therapies with vitamins which Harvard testing showed deterred RNA virus in selenium, along with potassium, zinc, magnesium with B, D and C vitamins provide an environment toxic to this biological weapon.
Wash your hands so you do not eat human shit from your shopping carts and you raise your chances of surviving this surface spread virus.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
