Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Blacks Led To Riot By ANTIFA Soyboy Bunny Hugger

My soyboy is the good guy see, he wears a white mask now....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

It was the whitest of times. It was the blackest of times.....

I noticed that Minnesota's Governor and Minneapolis Mayor were trying to point the cause of the Floyd Riots on White Supremacists, but in reality the poster boy for the terrorists is Brian Bartels of Pennsylvania, a white, 20 year old, Amazon employee, who is an animal rights nuts (by his sweatshirt) and ANTIFA (by this mask which he wears with AK 47's and handguns on it)


Please sir may I have some more soymilk...


I am enjoying this and you will too, as once the Lame Cherry explains the situation. Soyboy Bartels, surrendered to police with his mommy and daddy, and a lawyer leading the way. What Soyboy had done was put on his mask and hoodie, and started the riots in Pittsburgh, by smashing a police car, after a woman tried to stop him, but he gave her the finger and bashed in the windows with the infamous brick, which all of these rioters seem to have had in pre stationed supply.

The police cruiser was engulfed in flames and Soyboy fled, but was ratted out by a fellow Amazon employee. The Soyboy then apparently fled from police as the hone was empty when police arrived with a warrant.

Ok now you are going to discover why I am enjoying this, because the police appeared, and they smashed down both the front door and back door, and then went through the house. The Pittsburgh PD is pissed for them to have done this. This punk set off a riot, assaulted police property and set back race relations in Pittsburgh for years.
Now ask yourself if you would like to be this stupid, in having exposed liberals as frauds, pissed off the cops, displeased the prosecutors and made the judges scowl? Remember in this, this Soyboy showed the money connection between poor Blacks and rich liberal Whites, who let Blacks break the law as reparations, and now the Blacks are furious as their 'Floyd Cause" has been pissed on, and Whites are furious that they will have to pay Blacks more.

Now you are getting this...........and remember this Soyboy has been stripped searched, and is in a prison system now, having exchanged his ANTIFA black mask for a white Coronavirus mask, and this Soyboy is not going to get bail as he will be made an example of, and more to the point, Soyboy is surrounded by cops who want this terrorist to get some loving in prison from the Skinheads or the Panthers. Soyboy is a moving target in everyone wants to have some fun with him, and the guards are going to relish every opportunity they can have the inmates scare the piss out of this Soros terrorist.

That is why the Lame Cherry is amused in this, as this Bunny Hugger, is going to either hug a Black cock or is going to have a White cock up his bunny, this brat is facing a future which is only a matter of time.
The clever disguise of his parents behind masks, is not going to work as the cops know where this couple lives, and when a call comes in, when Blacks or Whites figure out where these parents live, it is going to take hours for them to get there.

This is White Liberal Smugness in these parents and their world changed, as their lily white boy, just became the face of burning America for hire, and there are lots of pissed off people who are not going to forget the Bartels.

It only gets better though as Keith Ellison, Mr. Islam of Minnesota, Attorney General who beats up women, has a quadroon, whiter than the Soyboy, who just announced his support for ANTIFA. In other words a Minnesota Black just announced he likes being led by Soyboy Bunny Hugger Honkeys for hire.
Ellison has put the leash back on to be led by Massa Bartels.

Pittsburgh liberal courts can put up reduced charges of Criminal Mischief and even the Epoch Times can hide that what was written on Bartel's hoodie was promoting Animal Liberation TERRORISM, but this is a matter of Attorney General William Barr already defining this as domestic terrorism, and the FBI has bee unleashed. Soyboy is looking at federal charges along with these other anarchists and putting Soyboy, all 145 pounds of him, into federal prison with Mexican gangs, Skinheads and Blacks who all dress out at over 250 is the match this Soyboy is really going to discover what life is really like when it is not Obama rhetoric.

Federal officials are investigating the organizers and instigators of violence at protests, utilizing the 56 regional FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces, according to Attorney General William Barr.
“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” he said in a statement.
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, a Democrat, said the protest was “hijacked” by a group of 100 or more anarchists who were “focused only on violence,” directing people to the video showing Bartels.

That is why this is amusing, as this Soyboy thinks if he gets out of prison, that he is safe, but there are those who know who he is and will come for him. In state prison he has people who are really upset, and in federal prison, he has people with nothing to lose who are upset.

The best remedy in this is to charge the parents for harboring a fugitive and a terrorist. The best remedy is the Federal US Attorney to file terrorism charges, and put these hundreds of Soros paid and Obama stars in their eyes criminals into real prisons, where the real Justice comes from the inmates.

They took the death of a Black American, these Soros paid ANTIFA Animal Liberators and disgraced the memorial, and worse yet as Dennis Rodman stated, the Soyboys turned the Blacks into animals in destroying themselves before the world.

‘We’re Not F***ing Animals’: Dennis Rodman Urges End To Rioting In Instagram Video   dailywire

That is the problem in all of this is we are all animals without the self governance of a Protestant teaching in Christ, so all it takes are a few paid Soyboys to bring out the jungle in the Blacks. The only solution in this, is to convict the Soyboys and hand them over to Blacks in prison, as Obama traded in Blacks for Indians, Muslims and Mexicans, in ending their American Dream, and in this, the 2020 reparations for the Blacks begins with the Soyboys.

...and just remember it was ANTIFA had the masks for protection, while most of the Blacks had no masks to protect them from the plague.

Nuff Said
