Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Trinity of Salvation.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have heard several things about the unbeforetime and life after death, and I wonder why I ever would have chosen to be born to such horrid sociopathic parents. They were the devil's workshop of self righteousness and the dad used religion to beat people with to control them and the mother used religion to suffer through abusive misbehavior.

Both claimed to be Christians, but I firmly believe my sperm donor is in hell, because I asked. It is horrid damage to a person to have such a parent and it is a horrid reality to know your parent is in hell, as everyone wants the storybook ending. For me, there was none of that, and except for shining a greater Light for God's Glory, I can not fathom how stupid I was in choosing my family to be born into, unless I had procrastinated and this was all there was left for the year.

My dad was a drunken, abusive, bully. A sociopath fused at around age 6. His closest public character would be Archie Bunker, a rather brilliant man who was dumb as a post.

None of this is about catharsis or revealing "weaknesses" that people can think they can use against me, as I have explained all of this before. The point I'm moving to is something of a conversation with the Holy Ghost which made sense to me in the explanation which I will to share.

The mother as you know, died on Black Friday after Thanksgiving. Her heart was bad, and after a walk where she was complaining and I was chewing her ass most of the way, we stopped to get the mail, said she was going to pass out, I told her to breathe through it, and she was dead that fast as I caught her.
Perhaps this will amuse some, but I had a box trap by our mailbox to catch coons, and I sat or propped her up on that, after I ascertained she was not breathing, no heartbeat or any response. I remember looking back as I went to get TL, thinking, "I hope she don't roll off of there", and she never moved.
Dead weight is heavy.

She was a most horrid, conniving manipulating, evil woman, who acted like the old man, in her being the only one going to Heaven.
I'm far too trusting in I would never have believed she would have stooped to have plotted for years to break TL and I up. She passive in she thought she could wait TL out and TL would leave. She was not that passive as she did a great deal of harm to TL's health by feeding our cat things that made the cat crap all over the place. She played the victim though and it all came down to God's Grace that He removed that horrid woman, as caring for her, probably would have killed me as she had worn me out deliberately to break me.

I'm one of the rare people in I was there when both my parents expired. I guess I signed up for that joy too, as I know my siblings would have melted down over those experiences.

The situation which brought about the conversation with the Holy Ghost is not the above, but what followed, a few days after the mother died. I was stuck doing everything, including the 7000 dollars to bury her, as my sibling in their devotion were never around and never offered anything which was not crocodile tears. So I was writing something about her for the blog, and it was evening, and I felt that woman come up behind me and was reading over my shoulder. It was all the Truth, but it was the Truth of how horrid she is. I remember reading her in emotions and her emotions were she was upset, not that it wasn't true, but that it was true.
What galled me though was when she appeared, she was that same attitude of "breezing in like she was going to smugly help the stupid child as she was so gifted". No my mother was not gifted. She was a back country, book educated, slightly smart, ignorant who was not bright enough to be Inspired.

That really pissed me off in a hurt way again, because what I needed was help in money, as she caused the bills and hardships, and instead of doing what was right and taking responsibility, she appeared to be queen of the moment to ascend to her glory which only God has right to.

So that has bothered me for 18 months, and was brought to mind by God, as the reality is begging for money to do this blog and being treated like shit, is not a pleasant experience, and the reality is God placed the mother in Heaven, but she does not belong there. I have no idea why He did this, as the host apparently avoids her as she is toxic, and she will be Judged and sent to hell in Christ's Judgment, which again is more to deal with, but it puzzles me in the things I feel in how people in Heaven and hell who are this vacuous, do not care the harm they have done. There is not remorse nor repentance. There is just their emptiness inside of them.

As I was asking for answers from the Holy Ghost, that is when He said, 'They have to feel what they did to you and others". I was aware of that, and it is fitting as when they neither care nor can feel, feeling what others feel is just, but then the question came to me, "What about the mother, how could she appear here like the queen in that condescending way after she did all the horrid things she did to us?"
It was because she never had a life review or her life flash before her eyes, because she is not going to stay in Heaven There was nothing to be worked through or take responsibility for, because she is like the children of iniquity that Christ says, "I never knew you".

That is when something came to mind which put it all together. I have never understood how the people who made the movie Ghost, knew what things happened after death, but they revealed things which are real.

It is the line from Patrick Swayze as the Light is coming for him, when he says, "It is the love. That is what you take with you", which made sense as the Holy Ghost expanded on this.

What are the only things God requires of each of us? It is the Law, and the Law says to love God or obey Him and the Law says to care about others by your actions. We are to train ourselves in this, so that this is our nature. The movie says all we take with us is Love, obedience to God and caring for others, the pure Light as God is Love. When my parents were not obeying God inwardly and only making a show of it for their self righteousness, that part was missing in them. When they were treating others badly, that is not showing compassion, caring, love for others, so that part was missing.
The very actions to prove our words was missing in them. In that, they could confess Christ as Savior, but satan confesses Jesus is the Savior, but it never accepts Christ personally by obedience to Love. So Faith without works or statements without actions of Obedience and Love, are not the fulfillment of the New Testament or Contract in accepting Jesus as Lord.
It is a Trinity of Salvation, confessing Christ, obedience to God and caring about others. You can not have Salvation if one of those legs is gone, the stool collapses and the fall is hell, as you have rejected God, or rejected obeying God or rejected love. Some reject all, but they are all connected and when one is missing, it is a part which voids all.

I feel the mother, she is void and vacuous inside. She is a great deal like my toxic uncle in just being pure venomous acidic hate. When you do not grow those qualities in life in the Trinity of Salvation of God's Love, God's Obedience, God's Caring, they are not going to be there for Heaven, and you will have absolutely nothing in common with God, the Holy Angels or the Saints. You are an anathema.

For a visual in this, think of Heaven as a bay window, and two lemon trees are in planters, due to Richard and Stephanie having such a wonder. One planter has compost, has been watered with the rain, and has planter with a drip tray, and the tree is green, blossoming and fragrant.
The other has hog shit in it with plumes of methane, which the flies are buzzing around. The water came from a toxic cesspool. The planter is rotting wood and this ooze is running out the bottom, as the tree is an already dead stick.
Now both are in the bay window. One belongs and one does not, because of a lifetime of what it chose.

There is absolutely no place for my parents or most people in Heaven or eternity as they simply do not belong. Stocks, mansions, being powerful, being smug do not transfer when your heart beats it's last. All that is you, is a soul or Spirit, which is like God in character, and is Obedience and Caring.

None of this is my Judgment, and it is how I deal with it, as people choose their own outcome. My vocation is to teach and to remind, but everyone has the choice to do good or be selfish.
I still have the emotional upheaval of all of this, and I deal with that in the Prophet Isaiah moved by the Holy Ghost states that all will be forgotten in the time to come when time is no more. It allows me to let go, as my responsibility is to fulfill God's mandates in Jesus is my Savior, and with the Holy Ghost's help, I mould myself to Obey and to Care about others, taking no credit and giving all to God.

I do will that this helps people and that those who have horrid people around them, allows them to be able to let go in the understanding, and to focus on their relationship with Christ.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
