Saturday, June 20, 2020

Melatonin and C as a treatment for Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nat kindly forwarded this to me today, from a medical researcher and doctor in Texas, who has had some success with prescribing Melatonin and Vitamin C.

The caveat first is, he was dosing people with high doses, says this should be monitored by a doctor and that the doses are 4 times a day.

“Dosages are based on symptoms and age. I wish I could give a blanket recommendation on dosage, but I just can’t. So far, dosage of these patients has been ranging from 40 to 80 mg of melatonin divided in 4 doses during the day. Vitamin C dosage has been from 500 mg to 1000 mg 4 times per day. I want to be clear these high doses are only appropriate for people who actually have the virus, and you need to talk to a doctor first.”

Again for the speed readers, this high dose was only for those WHO HAVE THE VIRUS.

He also states that Melatonin and C may be a preventative, but there is not any data revealing this. He is though one of the leading experts on Melatonin as an anti inflam and anti oxidant for the human body.

Low doses 1 mg, 3 mg is more appropriate for preventative measures.
“If you want to take Melatonin and Vitamin C as a prophylaxis, a low dose might be helpful as a preventative measure,” Neel said. “I do have colleagues who believe that taking 5 mg daily is a good thing to do.”

As this is over the counter and things you can get your hands on, if you discuss it with your doctor, it would be of more benefit than the queer drugs and steroids which were being haled as the thing to get you to the coofer injection.

I would like to see more data on this as Melatonin is a natural hormone, but does affect the immune system and people with certain conditions as high blood pressure should be aware it can raise blood pressure levels.

This treatment for whatever reason, seems to block the phase 2 auto immune triggering, which brings on phase 3 in lung failure.  I still would prefer Chloroquine and zinc or Ivomec with doxycycline as these interdict and kill the virus, while the Melatonin and C appears to interdict so the body is not degraded to the critical and lethal strains of this virus.

Thanks to Nat.

Nuff Said
