As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Netherlands has released a study of Coronavirus survivors and the respondents are not providing a terribly comforting future for people who have had this plague.
I bring this up, as we have been deluged with ridiculous claims that the lockdowns were unnecessary, and that Kristi Noem of South Dakota is acting like this plague is over as the tourists are in town.
Longfonds and CIRO said 91 percent of respondents were not hospitalized, and 43 percent were never formally tested for Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by this SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
These recovered patients told researchers that they still suffer from symptoms like tightness in the chest, fatigue, headaches, or shortness of breath almost three months after recovering. 85 percent of participants said they were in good health before getting the coronavirus. Only six percent said that their health is back to what it was before their infection. The average age of those surveyed was 53.
94% of the people who had this virus, still have not recovered after 3 months, with the classic head pain, tight chests from heart problems and shortness of breath. As someone who was doused with several of these strains, in what would be considered mild reactions, I experienced nothing mild about this virus.
I once took the lockjaw vaccine, thinking this was the thing to do. I had a severe reaction to this vaccine in a high fever, headache and I ached all over. That experience though was absolutely nothing compared to the reality of Coronavirus. Feeling like nails were driven into my head in sharp pains to the feeling of that someone had punched both of my lungs months after I had "recovered" was an alert of how this virus is not the a symptomatic walk in the park the Tucker Carlsons are leading people to believe.
Personally, going for a walk weeks after the symptoms ended, eating an apple and feeling like I was being suffocated when I was not breathing, was a most uncomfortable reality of this plague. I'm better in health, but again, I had the cure, these people in the Netherlands had a different strain which was the inoculant and mos of them are not feeling well yet.
The Netherlands did not have that many cases, but again confirmed cases are tested cases and more people had the coof than were tested.
Netherlands | 48,640 | +179 | 6,057 |
This is translating into what this blog stated in people are going to be disabled and dying for this virus for years to come. George Noory from Coast to Coast is still whining about over reported cases, but the fact is, at the current rate of infection that nations can expect 1% of their population to die from this virus in latent effects of those who recovered in the next decade. Coronavirus is to be thought of as a Cancer Survivor reality in the effects shorten life and once a heart is damaged, that heart is damaged and it will quit sooner.
This translates to 3 million will die of this plague eventually in the United States. That is what this biological weapon is, it does not kill millions in the first wave, but keeps degrading people from the original infection and debilitates them over the course of time. Coronavirus ages people prematurely in necessary organ function.
The body has a wonderful repair mechanism, but these long term symptoms are a reality that organ damage and interference with blood transport of oxygen is proving that Coronavirus is more like Lyme Disease of the blood, it lurks there and inhibits normal blood activities. Blood after 3 months should be renewed, and yet the blood is still inhibited, which would indicate like Chronic Fatigue, Coronavirus Wuhan continues to impede body function.
The new vaccines which are based in a flu germ with Coronavirus proteins to create a immune reaction a Coronavirus provides none in the body as it is a bioweapon are going ahead with a "safe" injection of 100 mcg of this serum. Again, they are speaking of a series of injections, like the common flu which wears off. It would seem that Chloroquine and Ivomec would be the proper solution, and these people with continued illness should be given Ivomec to ascertain if this would assist in their recovery, because if it does not, then the reality is there is organ damage which is not being repaired.
The best remedy in this is to not contract this virus nor trust in serums. All strains have debilitating effects and we are learning more each week as information leaks out that people are alive with Coronavirus in having survived it, but they are not well.
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said