Wednesday, June 17, 2020

1250 and Change

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I want you to think back to your life, your schooling, your careers, your military assignments. Seriously, do any of you really follow any of that? I mean are not most of you too busy with the coof or riots or paying bills to have time to wonder what is going in something that was 10 to 20 years ago?

Yet when Attorney General William Barr had ordered in his authority, to move protesters back from the White House one block and take control of Lafayette Park where over 100 law enforcement officers had to have medical treatment, because these terrorists had been tearing up pavement stones and bashing cops over the head with them, 1250 former attorneys at the DOJ signed a letter demanding the Inspector General investigate the Attorney General for doing his job.

WASHINGTON - More than 1,250 former attorneys for the U.S. Justice Department called Wednesday for the agency’s internal watchdog to investigate the role Attorney General William Barr played in the aggressive police clearance of largely peaceful protesters from a park near the White House last week.

These Obama Intifada terrorists has set fire to two historical buildings, one St. Johns and the other they burned to the ground, and the CIA media and these apparent judicial trolls of Obama, Bush and Clinton are trying to take down Attorney General William Barr as his investigation into corruption is about to come to indictments.
I noticed that Lindsey in the gay ear Graham on the fringe left media, had posted a series of smears by "gay boys" who said Graham had hired them for sex. This was right before his Senate hearings and before he won the South Carolina primary.

What we are witnessing in America is a list of how many traitors have sold their soul to the deep state for a job, and it is evident now that once this Socio Intelligence Conglomerate buys your soul, you owe them for life. They text you in the middle of the night and order you to join a list of stooges to go after Barr. The reason is evident why trolls jump like this, is because there is evidence on each of them which would put them into prison or destroy their careers.

It simply amazes me, how people who are really rich, have really great jobs, are powerful, can get one text and they jump like a puppet following orders. We see this often enough when these mob calls for lynching appear to get one of  Trump's people or Trump himself.

What this Lame Cherry notes in all of this, is these are people, who put their names to things, and what they just put their name to is to destroy the most powerful law enforcement officer in the United States, and they did it, knowing they had no choice, and the illusion that they are protected from retaliation.

George Floyd should pretty well explain that no one is safe. Floyd was close to a money laundering scam that involved Minnesota liberals, and when the idiot stole some bills and tried to pass them, one of the laundering operations called the cops, and the cops responded to make an example of him in true Chinese brutal example. That is the great mystery of George Floyd, and what George Floyd was, was expendable just like the 1250 are expendable. They were ordered to do this, to put the public face on it, or they would lose everything and when the investigators come calling for them, it was going to be Jeffrey Epstein treatment.

I wonder if 150,000 dollars a year to destroy innocent people, and then to get a whore's wage like Lisa Page in a payout like Valerie Plame in the millions is worth it? Plame tried to get a Congressional seat and no one wanted that old hose bag, and I doubt Evelyn Farkas is any more attractive to voters in New York. For the 1250 who get the million dollar law firm job, I suppose you get used to the lie, until that phone call comes and you find out what a pawn you are. Look at Colin Powell, Mad Dong Mattis and that John Kelly. All of them are rich old men, and yet when the phone call comes ordering them to attack Trump in looking like fools, they bow like any Nigger at the shoe shine.
That must be a real shot to the ego to be told to lick the boots and look like a damned fool supporting Joe Biden, a pedo senile old geezer. I wonder how many shots of expensive booze it takes in their big easy chairs, surrounded with all their lies they sold their souls for, to make it all something that they don't pull a pistol out and put a bullet in their brains.
How do you face people in your lives, knowing what a pansy and patsy you are, that you are not worth one ounce of respect.

So Obama's Intifada sends America south into the Robes Pierre anarchy that Victor Davis Hanson is talking about, how long before that 1250 has their names come up on some Argentina junta list? Hell of a gamble, but they aren't gambling and have no alternatives.

1250 people, pure Faustian people, could be ordered to something like this, and in that, it reveals the absolute corruption at the Department of Justice, that those positions were bought and sold for political intimidation and a forever contract that you will never not make follow an order when it comes.

Yes there will be literal hell to pay for these people as they know they are lying and trying to frame the Attorney General, but in the Jesus White Throne Judgment, they will not be able to buy their way out as their owners are already locked in hell. But I wonder in those dark rooms where they sit drinking and doping, if between hits they wonder how long they have, because they have proven they are expendable as George Floyd to those who own them, but what happens when 4 more years of Donald Trump starts grinding this entire framework of the extreme left into oblivion, because their owners thought they could eradicate the people who backed Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
