Douglas County reports 254 new coronavirus cases; people urged to wear masks
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
These Soros paid for protests, make me wonder who will be the next Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for Congress trainee in the Negro race, as AOC of the CIA was trained on the Indian reservations of North Dakota.
What requires stating in this, is when the Negro is paid to riot by Soros globalists, to promote Obama Marxism in the democratic party, the DNC is not going to crack down with their local police, as looting is reparations to pay for votes. The police will not crack down as the looters are welfare and soros queens, who pay the cops salaries. So it falls to the military and the federals, who get blamed.
It is why the DC mayor sent the rioters to storm the White House and the Secret Service was beating on them, so the DNC could benefit from weaponized Negroes.
The Negro in 85 IQ is not too smart, no more than CNN crews, as the coof is still spreading like wildfire and these coons are coofing all over each other. Hell of a thing to die for a 69 dollar microwave, but that is why George Soros and democrats hire the pavement bunnies.
I find this all amusing in the Negro is more of a threat than the Coronavirus, as the coon has knocked the virus off the front pages. It is amusing that the Negro will murder more of themselves in the Soros paid for riots and the DNC enabled looting, than a Mosaad trained cop named Derek Chauvin ever could, even if he had 8 spider knees to take the position on the Afroid.
I find the metro mob in grief equally entertaining as their cities burn. An area which is not going to receive national coverage is Obama's plague central of child molesting Omaha Nebraska. I was listening to the feed which interrupted Art Bell as "Hometown Boy" Scott Voorhees interrupted to lament, wail, gnash his nethers and just make excuses for the "peaceful protestors".
OK, last time I checked, George Floyd or Floyd George did not live in Omaha, LA, New York, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago or wherever else Soros is paying for riots. He was a Minnesota leftist part time hoodie, Defending some Afroids in Omaha having a vigil for the Two Namer, makes as much sense as having holocaust Jew things all over America, when that supposedly genocide took place in Europe.
These Blacks should have been hosed down with water hoses and told to get the hell home and stop trying to catch the coof. Instead they are enabled by the left for votes, the cops for money and from the trolls on the right to prove they are not racists, like Rush Limbaugh so angry over what happened to the Two Name Afroid.
I thought one time I heard Scott Voorhees bragging he was fag, that he was a right wing fag, and had his own radio program in Omaha. Yes that is conditioning like Ann Coulter's Log Cabin gerbil stuffers, but if that is true, Voorhees is ironic in lamenting that rioters were breaking all the glass windows in stores and throwing things at cops, because being a sodomite, and abomination defined by God, he is breaking the 10 Commandments and throwing things at Protestant Christian America.
An abomination, being angry at rioters, and both are breaking societal laws.
Yes wisdom in justified by her children as Christ stated, in every sinner has a reason for their sins.
72nd and Dodge shut down as protesters, tear ... - omaha.com
Verizon, Hobby Lobby and Smitty's Garage also had broken windows. An officer responds to Best Buy late Friday night after a group of youths threw rocks at the store, breaking a window.
One of Omaha’s busiest intersections was shut down Friday evening as thousands of people took to the streets to protest the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd, who was held down by police as he pleaded that he could not breathe
At about 8 p.m., police used tear gas in an attempt to control a crowd that spilled onto Dodge Street. The chaotic scene included chants of, “I can’t breathe,” “We just want peace” and “(Expletive) the police.”
About 10:45 p.m., Kanger implored people to leave the area in order to stay safe and go home.
By midnight, most of the crowd had dispersed, though some businesses in the 72nd and Dodge corridor were vandalized, including Target.
After midnight, a group of youths threw rocks through the window of Best Buy, and a man jumped out of a pickup and tossed a rock through the window of the former Sears Auto Store. Vandals spray-painted a car belonging to a KMTV news crew. Verizon, Hobby Lobby and Smitty's Garage also had broken windows.
Just before 1 a.m., Omaha police said people were still in the area. "We respect the right for community members to peacefully protest but once that changed, enforcement action was taken.
The thing is for all this pontificating of how bad this is, every city where the coof is, is every city which has a history of race riots. Omaha exploded with race riots in 1919 AD in the year of our Lord, so these frauds being ignorant of history or the reality that they are still part of the same exploitation of others is the reality of the Nigger Coof.
The Blacks are rioting, because Obama Bush, Clinton and John Kelly, poured in millions of Curry Niggers, Sand Niggers and Taco Niggers, who are Hindu, Muslim and Jesuit, and hate Protestants, in order to genocide that religious group. The tan skins got the jobs, and the blacks got shoved off the bus, and the whites got left standing on the curb. Nebraska is exploding with the coof, because they trade in slave workers, just like Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, the Dakotas and every place that has these slaughter plants.
Scott Voorhees to Rush Limbaugh are profiting from this entire human traffick and money laundering scheme, and they have the audacity to get behind a mic and pretend they care. They are paid whores for a system which has been sidling child molestation to mainstream it, and not taken a stand against that, no more than making an issue of Protestants, Black and White have been the target for 40 years. George HW Bush told the Christians to shut up and go home. He stuck the knife into the Reagan Legacy. Bill Clinton put Christians on terror watch lists. George W. suckered Christians with his fakery as he took out Conservatives to make room for Jeb, as Birther Hussein Obama, weaponized thee entire government against Blacks and Whites..........and now, the Blacks have been weaponized again for the 2020 elections.
Omaha race riot of 1919 - Wikipedia
The Omaha race riot occurred in Omaha, Nebraska, September 28-29, 1919.The race riot resulted in the lynching of Will Brown, a black civilian; the death of two white rioters; the injuries of many Omaha Police Department officers and civilians, including the attempted hanging of Mayor Edward Parsons Smith; and a public rampage by thousands of white rioters who set fire to the Douglas County ...
List of riots and civil unrest in Omaha, Nebraska - Wikipedia
The following is a list of riots and civil unrest in Omaha, Nebraska.With its economic roots in cattle processing, meatpacking, railroads, manufacturing and jobbing, the history of Omaha has events typical of struggles in other cities over early 20th-century industrialization and labor problems. Racial tension was deeply based in economic and social competition as older immigrants had to ...
This is all once again, another distraction from the real agenda. Metros shattered and on fire, are the result of what Sodom and Gomorrah always have been. Voorhees was in anguish listening to police radioing about the crowds and stating they were out of tear gas. Again, another irony in it is ok to gas Blacks in Omaha breaking the law, but it was crimes against humanity for Nazis accused of gassing Jews who were publishing calls for the genocide of Germans. (Zyklon B was used in the United States as it was in Germany to kill lice on humans which spread typhus). The Jews were not gassed in showers, but the lice were. The Jews were starved to death when America, Russia and England bombed German supply lines.
The Blacks are being starved out in their ghetto concentration camps, as Planned Parenthood aborts their future, but in Omaha the city which succors the wealthy is what is important and Omaha as a force labor city has nothing to do with Auschwitz, just like all these other Obama City States have nothing in common with Christocide in America.
Now that your head is out of your asses again and you have gained the correct perspective of this, it is time to move on as I have things to do in the real world, in being a poor orphan girl, I have to make do with things with shattered American Dreams.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said