Monday, June 1, 2020

Taking a Knee.......on a Nigger's Neck

Derek Chavin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that Governor Andrew Cuomo and Rush Limbaugh are both political whoring for Lloyd George, Floyd George or whatever that liberal Afroid's name was in Minnesota who took a knee, it is time to get real in this, as only the Lame Cherry will as I do not play games here.

The Lame Cherry is going to ask you a question, but first it is going to tell you that actress Lori Loughlin of California going to jail, Floyd George dead in Minnesota in being murdered by the police and Senator Bob Glanzer of South Dakota, dead from the Coronavirus plague, are all the same victims, all the same forgotten man, and all the same Americans betrayed by their regime, their police state, their chamber of commerce, and this blog will inform you on whose hands the blood of Floyd George really rests.


Floyd George was a man who recorded pleas to stop the gun violence. His family has begged for the Nigger Flaming to stop, as Floyd George loved Minneapolis. Yet in a city he loved, he did not love it enough to not try and cheat by passing bogus bills.

Now why would Floyd George do that?

Answer the question in why is Lori Loughlin being bankrupted and going to prison? Why is Bob Glanzer dead with over 100,000 people in the United States? Why is Floyd George passing bad money in an era where Trump just handed out 1200 dollars to everyone?

Floyd George is a nicely dressed Welfare Queen, after 8 years of liberator Obama, and his situation had not changed one iota from any Blacks in the United States and the reason is Floyd George did not have a good paying job as a Black American, because someone made it policy to bring in millions of foreign slaves for jobs that Blacks once held. Lori Loughlin could not get her American daughters into college, because the colleges are all money whore pits getting paid to take foreigners over Americans just like Barack Obama got put through college as a foreign student. Bob Glanzer is dead, along with 100,000 other people in the United States, because these foreign vermin were brought to America by John Kelly when he headed Homeland Security on expanded visas, so they could stay and never go back, and a foreigner shit on Bob Glanzer's milk jug at Walmart and he with others died in South Dakota.

Sorry, I answered your question for you, but I do not have all day, waiting around for you to think.

The entire election of 2016 and the promise of Donald Trump was to stop men like Floyd George from being murdered in their own streets. Floyd George is the forgotten man, passing bad currency, because some Mexican, Chinese or Somali was brought into Minnesota, which began with GOP liberal Arne Carlsen with Lutheran Social Serivces, Catholic and Jewish charities and went viral under liberal Governor Mark Dayton who told Minnesotans to get out of Minnesota if they did not like foreigners, because that was Barack Obama regime policy.

It is disgusting to watch the Afroid, burn down and loot their own neighborhoods, but why should they not. They have no stake in Target or other corporate businesses, who take their money, will not hire Black Americans, because Hilarie Gamm in her recent expose, has finally informed the world of what the Lame Cherry has stated, all of these treacherous businesses in America, from your hospitals, to Microsoft to Walmart, hire illegals and visa vermin, because it costs 15% less to hire foreigners on the taxes and fees they do not have to pay to the government for hiring an American.
The foreigner gets a lower wage and the business' bottom line surges to around a 30% profit, which you never see in your Smithfield pork products, because you get gouged as an American in high prices of leftovers, as China gets all the top produce from America.

Hilarie Gamm spoke about bringing jobs back to the US and the problem of foreign labor. 

Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and The Road Map to Change (Digital Ebook Purchas Product)

So Derick Chauvin, the Frenchman of Minnesota, whose ancestors elevated numerous Indians to higher DNA by injecting their sperm into the natives is being focused upon, for the Mosaad trained enforcer and intimidator he is, as that is what cops are trained to do, in no longer protecting and serving, unless it is Niggers burning down Minneapolis as their 30 pieces of silver for November elections, then the Minnesota police protect that, when the Lame Cherry will inform you who has the blood on their hands.

Hilarie Gamm names the names. They are the same names this blog has posted here. This began with George HW Bush destroying Reagan's legacy for Americans, in making China into a slave labor state, now pointing nuclear bombs at us, and giving us the coof, on top of NAFTA.
It was Bill Clinton destroying unions and shipping all the jobs to Asia and Mexico.
It was George W. Bush expanding daddy HW's China policy by rolling over even more investment out of America and into China, and it ends with Barack Hussein Obama, who resigned the HW Bush original policy of foreign preference in jobs and schools in the United States.

So if you want to know who the hell has blood on his hands from Floyd George, it is HW Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W and Barack Hussein Obama, as these are their policies which have Lori Loughling, a loving mother in jail, Bob Glanzer a responsible Senator dead in the grave, and Floyd George dead from a police state cop, protecting the system, from a Black man, too small time be on Wall Street creating debt stealing there and just in the way in Minnesota, as it is the foreigners who have the preference.

Amy Klobuchar once failed to prosecute Derek Chauvin, cop in Floyd death


Chauvin also has been the subject of multiple internal complaints, according to a database compiled by Communities United Against Police Brutality.
In three reviews from the Civilian Review Authority, he was found to have used “demeaning tone,” “derogatory language” and “language – other,” according to Insider.
He also has been the subject of seven reviews by the local Office of Police Conduct — all of which conclude: “Closed — No discipline.”

Meanwhile, another officer seen in the Floyd video — Tou Thao — also has a record of similar incidents and settled an excessive-force lawsuit out of court in 2017, according to Insider.
Lamar Ferguson was walking with a pregnant woman in 2014 when Thao and his partner Robert Thunder stopped and searched them, according to the lawsuit.
The cops then began beating Ferguson, according to the legal filings.
Ferguson was subjected to “punches, kicks, and knees to the face and body” while “defenseless and handcuffed” — and suffered “broken teeth as well as other bruising and trauma.”

As the FBI investigates the petty crimes and the murder of another nameless Black American, joining over 100,000 dead from the plague, all from the same source, this blog calls upon Attorney General William Barr to start investigating and indicting all the billionaires and their millionaire politicians who profit off the misery of the genocide of Americans, from Barack Obama, to George W. Bush, to Michelle Obama, to Joe Biden, to the billionaires so Silicon Valley in their Curry Niggers taking American jobs, from Disney, to JBS, Cargill and Smithfield, in their foreign slave trade in America which is the reason George Floyd, Lori Loughin, Bob Glanzer, and millions of other Americans from suicide to plague whose lives have been destroyed as thoroughly as Michael Flynn by the deep state.

You hang Derek Chauvin, the DOJ hangs the Mayor of Minneapolis, the Governors of Minnesota, all the way to Amy Klobuchar to her Designer Negro in Barack Hussein Obama, as these are the people with this Black man's blood on their hands, as they deliberately did it in the American Genocide which has been going on since 1989 AD in the year of our Lord.,

Nuff Said
