Friday, June 12, 2020

The Whore of South Dakota

I'm killing off my people, could you send me some rich foreigners to make America great again.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

At this moment I regret having created Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota as what she began in her first year as governor is not the Republican she has devolved to.

I got this forwarded to me, and it is amazing to see this woman prostitute her state now, not for her people, but for foreigners.

Earlier this week, I shared a video that South Dakota is open for business.

All of America has been watching our great state, and it’s obvious that they value our way of life. We South Dakotans love freedom, our tight-knit communities, and lots of wide-open spaces.

I was the only governor in the United States who trusted her people enough to leave them free to make their own decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our people did the right thing for their families. We did not need a government-ordered lockdown. We focused on personal responsibility and giving everyone facts and guidance.

We had our citizens make decisions for their families and businesses.

I put together a “back to normal” plan six weeks ago, and yet we continue to do well in terms of our hospitalization capacity. We’ve had limited job loss here, and our economy is recovering quicker than any other state.

The state is now full of tourists who heard about how South Dakota embraces freedom and liberty.

I’ve also been invited to speak on several national news shows, including Newsmax with Greg Kelly, and Varney and Co. on Fox Business, to talk about how special South Dakota is.

I invite families across America to consider making South Dakota their home. The air is fresh, the people are free, and the possibilities are endless.

Please take a moment to watch my video on Lessons Learned During COVID-19 by CLICKING HERE.

You can watch me discuss it further on Newsmax with Greg Kelly by CLICKING HERE.

Would you share with your friends and family too? I’m proud of our great state, and the wonderful people who call it home. I hope to add to our numbers soon.


Kristi Noem

Noem has forgotten reality. The reality that her open state, created the hottest spot in the United States in Sioux Falls South Dakota, in her Dennis Daugaard collusion with Communist Chinese who owned the hog slaughter plants there, who imported infected Mexicans which infected thousands.

Noem is at war with Indians, who are trying to protect themselves from the plague. She wants these vulnerable people to die.

The fact is that Republican Senator Bob Glanzer was murdered due to Noem's policies, along with his cousin in Huron South Dakota, as she let in an infected Korea who set off the first murderous waves in South Dakota.
South Dakota is nothing but slaughter house death, whether it is Watertown, Aberdeen, Huron or Sioux Falls. With all of her preparations, Rapid City, where her tourists are prowling around from YOUR STATES is the current rising hotspot, bringing death home to all of you.

I know for certain that the People of South Dakota, like those of all Western States, do not want any more goddamn people from other states. Noem is oblvious to that fact. The facts that South Dakota does not have the resources for more people, as all the jobs are slaughterhouse our telebanking jobs which pay shit. People in South Dakota can not afford homes, and homes are not available as there is a housing shortage there.

Does this sound like such a great state? A slaughterhouse ghetto where the feudal few rich, control everything, Lutheran Social Services hauls in foreign vermin, rich discards from liberal shit holes like Denver, Cleveland or Raleigh bring in their bank accounts and price the locals out of their homes, where the locals have to work 3 shit jobs just to compete with the plague infected Mexicans.

I guarantee that Kelly or Varney is not going to ask Kristi Noem the hard questions, as they preen over an open state that Kristi Noem is guilty of murder, in the Republican Mayor of Sioux Falls begged her to shut down that city, and she refused. 3,458 cases, 53 dead, plague infested Smithfield pork spread across her state and the nation, that is the epitaph of the political policies of Kristi Noem.

Who would not want to come to a state without any jobs, a Russian and Chinese first strike nuclear target in Ellsworth Air Force Base, thousands of goddamn plague carrier foreign vermin, sick Indians all over the place, graduates who can not get out of that state fast enough, and where the shittiest jobs in America provide zero future for their citizens, as the rich plunder a cow chip state.

Someone needs to ask these changelings like Rhino Noem the hard questions, and stop celebrating them, as there has been little to celebrate in Kristi Noem. Sure she never put on the Cuomo draconian lock downs, but she sure as hell never protected her state from Chinese plague spreaders using infected Mexicans as weapons, against Whites or Indians.

In a few months, Kristi Noem went from Constitutional carry, homeschooling, bounties to kill predators to protect wildlife and livestock, to rescinding that bounty for money interests, not protecting her people from Chicom plague, and choosing big business and tourism over the safety of South Dakotans.

The Lame Cherry picked a prairie virgin to raise her up and what she bloomed into is a global whore using her people as fodder and looking to replace them with foreign vermin and the elite rich.

What a betrayal to Conservative Christians.

Nuff Said
