Friday, June 12, 2020

A High Court Lynching of a White Man

Toby or not Toby, that is the question...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well this has to be a first in a long line of first, as an Obama appointee in the Appeals Court hearing the case of the Lynching of General Michael Flynn by Black Justice Emmett Sullivan, the Obama robe stated that the case could not be dismissed, based on race, because if it was dismissed, everyone would question how dumb ass ever Afroid judge was.

In other words, Judge Wilkins just said it is more convenient to lynch an innocent White man, rather than expose that a dumb ass Nigger should be in charge of any trial.

During the hearing this morning Judge Wilkins brought up a hypothetical race case.
The Flynn case has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with race!

I was thinking of a group of Jews who decided that one innocent person should be crucified, to save their sorry asses, so we have a historical repeat, in Jesus was executed to save the liberal Jews and now another liberal, is saying Michael Flynn should be lynched by a Black man to keep the illusion alive that Blacks have reasoning powers.

Frankly after reading the soap opera brief of John Gleeson who was representing Emmett Sullivan, I do not see that race has a great deal to do with a klusterfucked up mind. It is liberals who do not belong anywhere any important things happen, like sex in bed or a court room, as in bed they change their minds and cry rape like at Brett Kavanaugh and in the court you got Anita Hill daydreaming about pubic hairs on her coke can.

Then again, how many dumb ass Niggers is Clarence Thomas supposed to provide cover for, as he appears to be the million in one, while the other 999,999 are the short bus reality.


I have picked those who will destroy Americans.

This apparently is going to have to be submitted to the Supreme Court.

The Boston Globe

Nuff Said
