Monday, June 22, 2020

Thee American City States

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thee American City State is the epicenter of the destruction of America. All things liberal arose from these despot centers, from New York in violating the Second Amendment, to Hollywood promoting debauchery.
Americans were fleeced by the City State bankers and industrialis who exploited them and then discarded them. This is what obliterated thee American Republic.

It was the City State which produced the Obama Abominations of installing via election fraud a Birther named Obama, unleashed rationed death, produced baby butchering for profit and sodomy. All rubber stamped by a heinous Judiciary on the Supreme Court which a corrupt Congress hid behind.

The City State was a mirror image of Tyre, the image of Lucifer fallen. In the City States, in the 21st century, commerce ceased, as it was instead money laundering by the elite in counterfeit money from foreign enemies, dope traffic, and debt selling, all based on imported forced labor. The City State was a money laundering scheme to concentrate wealth, whereby the pimp street corner, the Chinese and Mexican cafe, laundered money in the same Wall Street investment via the banks, to the conglomerates which had bribed the elected officials to siphon off money for foreign students to replace Americans and to place foreigners on welfare. This was the multi trillion dollar money laundering scheme and how the City States evolved from helping to assassinate Abraham Lincoln and creating a foreign owned super bank in the Federal Reserve under Theodore Roosevelt with the promise of foreign moneys that America would rise.
America rose to record expenditures in two world wars it was bribed into and became an Obama community organized cancer, eating itself.

This is the history of the City State in the destruction of America. It does not require any more space than this.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

